Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Te Deum
    2. Te Deum
    3. Lauriam
      ... Uh, you think I'm squishy? Never mind, I don't wanna know.

      Yeah, lol, you keep tellin' yourself that, and I'll keep studying Karate. Eventually, if we ever do meet, I'll be ready. XD
    4. Lauriam
      lol, good thing I've never tried kidnapping you, eh? (And before you ask, no, I'm not Canadian.)

      Well, thanks, I was about to go fry my brain with youtube in a last-ditch attempt at stimuli.
    5. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      You're actually willing?

      Okay then.

      *grins and starts undressing*
    6. Lauriam
      See, now, that's what happens when you try to kidnap Ninjarushi. XD

      What up?
    7. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I give you my consent :lolface:
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      Translation: Cuz I can
    9. Droid
      I've gotten no refusals yet, just waiting for 2 more to get fixed.
      That sounds like a great idea actually, as in it would help the longevity of the RP if it's getting new arcs by different members.

      For the moment while I'm waiting I'll let you in on the plot for the Kingdom Arc:
      Basically I'm going to start with the 5-6 group leader's stories, that'll lead up to them forming an alliance for whatever goal they have in mind. That's where everyone will come in and their characters will decide what path they're going to take.
      For example taking either the path of protectors and following master Yoda, or to that of tyranny following Scar. There's also the option to follow Light's group, which is basically a group that can swing either way.
    10. Droid
      No, lol I'm actually just waiting for a few of the members to get back to me on if they'll play leaders in the RP. Then I can get it posted.
    11. ShibuyaGato
      I'll have to check it out when school lets up... it's not gonna happen until the weekend though, I can tell you that.

      Three words bro: Oh... ****ing... Yes!
    12. ShibuyaGato
      Two things.

      1. I like Twilight anyway, so his comments should be enjoyable.
      2. I've seen that gif so many times already and I always love it. If there was a time where it would be appropriate to call him Teninch, that would be it~
    13. ShibuyaGato
      Well, I've never really seen him on his own, but I'm sure I'd be a big fan if I did.

      Chu got that rite boy!~<3
    14. ShibuyaGato
      Yep, Chameleon Circuit is amazing.

      That song is why I said it. X3
    15. ShibuyaGato
      I wouldn't doubt that.

      Quick, to the Type-40 TARDIS!~
    16. ShibuyaGato
      Yeah seriously.

      I have no idea...
    17. . : tale_wind
    18. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Four things;
      *Whines* BUH I DUN WANNA!
      I am. In both.

      Alto is a musical term, derived from the Latin word altus, meaning "high" in Italian, that has several possible interpretations.
      When designating instruments, "alto" frequently refers to a member of an instrumental family that has the second highest range, below that of the treble or soprano. Hence, for example, the term "alto saxophone". In other "families", such as the trombone, there is no soprano, the alto having been the highest, although it is absent from the standard modern symphony orchestra.
      In choral music, "alto" describes the second highest voice part in a four-part chorus. As well as being the modern Italian word for "high", in the present context it is an Italian abbreviation derived from the Latin phrase contratenor altus, used in medieval polyphony, usually to describe the highest of three parts, the line of which was in counterpoint (in other words, against = contra) with the tenor (which "held" the main melody; this word itself originates in the Latin verb tenere, meaning "to hold").
      The alto range in choral music is approximately from G3 (the G below middle C) to F5 (the F in the second octave above middle C). In common usage, alto is used to describe the voice type that typically sings this part, though this is not strictly correct: alto, like the other three standard modern choral voice classifications (soprano, tenor and bass) was originally intended to describe a part within a homophonic or polyphonic texture, rather than an individual voice type; neither are the terms alto and contralto interchangeable or synonymous, though they are often treated as such. Although some women who sing alto in a choir are contraltos, many would be more accurately called mezzo-sopranos (a voice of somewhat higher range and different timbre), and many male countertenors (this latter term is a source of considerable controversy, some authorities preferring the usage of the term "male alto" for those countertenors who use a predominantly falsetto voice production). The contralto voice is a matter of vocal timbre and tessitura as well as range, and a classically-trained solo contralto would usually have a range greater than that of a normal choral alto part in both the upper and lower ranges. However, the vocal tessitura of a classically trained contralto would still make these singers more comfortable singing in the lower part of the voice. A choral non-solo contralto may also have a low range down to D3 (thus perhaps finding it easier to sing the choral tenor part), but some would have difficulty singing above E5. In a choral context mezzo-sopranos and contraltos might sing the alto part, together with countertenors, thus having three vocal timbres (and two means of vocal production) singing the same notes.

      Last, but not least, *GROANS about HOMEWORK* FINE. DAY WILL DO IT.
    19. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Well, that makes sense!
      Gahhh; I dun wanna do my homework! IS TOO BOORRRRING.

      On the brightside, Day found out she is an Alto.
    20. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      .....Concieted much?? XD
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