Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Droid
      I was thinking on whenever we get to the next arc. First of all yes, you'd be in control of the character limit, or lack thereof. You'd write the first bit of the story of course and I'll assist you if you want.
      I'm thinking we'll make an entire new thread for the next arc, but keep the same OOC Lounge. You'd be the one to make said thread so you'd be in control of the RP, I'd just be the father of the RP who runs the OOC thread. Unless you have any objections or other ideas you'd like to voice.
    2. Lite
      Hm, so then it's basically useless. Man, it's hard to come up with things to do when you know you're going to lose. XD
    3. Lite
      Would Chaos Control have any effect on U-D? I was thinking of using it, but I'm not sure if it would even work on her.
    4. Lite
      I saw. And now I know that Sonic, Reinforce, and everyone else are royally screwed. But Sonic's gonna try anyway, 'cuz he's cool like that.
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Wait, I was wrong. It's Giratina and Kyurem (and now you get two new Formes for that one!)
    6. Lite
      You've got a point there. But still, not everyone who dies can just bring themselves back. Except Zasalamel. Which after some thinking, Stern didn't need to explain. My point is moot. Good day, now.
    7. Lite
      Stern, bein' all sly. Loving it.
    8. Lite

      Well that's good. I'd be honestly disappointed if they were taken out for good.
    9. Lite
      Oh no, I don't think it was a bad game, just using realistic guns was a bad idea. Basically what you're saying, cartoony guns would've been better.

      Oh, yeah, I remember that. It shall be done.
    10. Lite
      *shudders* Don't remind me...

      I'll go with Thunder of the Night Sky. Sounds epic.
    11. Lite
      But then we'd no longer have a proper Sonic series, which would be saddening.

      Okay, I'll go with that then. With Reinforce now inside him, does that mean he has access to not only his abilities but Reinforce's as well? I know you said that their powers were combined, which made me think: "What if he mixed his power with Reinforce's attacks?" For example, according to a list I'm reading, Reinforce knows Nanoha's signature spell "Starlight Breaker". Knowing this, would Unison Super Sonic be able to use it? (And maybe with a badass name like "Chaos Breaker"? c: ) As for the aria that Reinforce has to say to use it...I'm not sure.
    12. Krown
      Very well.
      I have to type on an iPod and I lack terribly in creative juices. i also try to make my post pretty
    13. Lite
      Villains. Never taking time to think things over. When will they learn?

      Also: Does this new Super Sonic/Reinforce unison have a name? I need one for something. I was gonna go with something like "Unison Sonic", but I didn't want it to seem like it was just another one of Sonic's forms. Any ideas?
    14. Krown
      Damn... I'd use that table flip picture, but that would be killing it.
      Should I fix my post then?
    15. Lite
      And to think all this time Wesker had everyone believing he wanted to kill everyone who wasn't "chosen". Nope, he just wanted worldwide fapfapfapping.
    16. Krown
      Finished! It takes me forever to do a post. ;-;
    17. Lite
      Yeah, but it seems like I've been forgetting 'Fried a lot lately.

      On a side note, I want to incorperate this into Wesker's story somewhere in CC. He will be incomplete if it doesn't happen.
    18. Lite
      God...I'm sorry, I don't know why I keep forgetting him. Off to edit.
    19. Lite
      *Takes a bow* I aim to please.
    20. Krown
      Yeah, I guess so. I'll do it... soonish.

      Well, he does get knocked out all the time, but don't worry he'd be back up again right away. He won't be down for a long time at all.
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