Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2011
Apr 25, 2008
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Living my life.


~*~Never Surrender~*~, from Stranded.

P E A N U T was last seen:
Oct 10, 2011
    1. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      So, continuing on with Scenario 2, Roxas would be in the middle of a fight with the Prince alongside Riku or King Mickey. It doesn't really matter. But suddenly he would stop from the command of the King, which would be loud and clear and would catch the attention of everyone in the room. Roxas would freeze at the command and then turn to the King, asking him frantically what he was doing to him, since Roxas can feel the darkness invading him inside. The King would talk to him, persuading him into giving in to the darkness, while Sora and the others would try to do the opposite; they would yell and tell him to fight against it.

      But because of Roxas's recent state of mind, he lets the darkness overpower him and eventually he is under the King's control. The King orders him to defend him and fight off Sora, Riku, and the King. Of course, I saw it as his powers from the Sora/Roxas fight being present and used here.

      Eventually, after a time in the battle, Axel and Namine can be brought into the situation when Roxas is blade-to-blade with Sora. But of course, Roxas would say that Axel was dead not only because of him, but because of Sora as well. And then he would mention the argument we are about to reach, regarding Namine and Castle Oblivion.
    2. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Well, I was thinking two things.

      Scenario 1: When Sora is first fighting the Prince and the King, he's fighting them sword to sword, just as he did with Nathaniel. But eventually after his friends step in and he drops off Kairi, he can turn around just in time to see the two switching forms. (This would be the scenario where the King actually transforms into another beast.) He would work to fight them off, with the Prince being much like Ixion (which I think you've already decided, right?) and the King being...whatever, since I haven't decided yet.

      Now, this is where I was thinking things could get a little more extreme. Let's say that the King, since he is the most powerful in that world, can transform into mulitple creatures, and can thus summon the darkness which reflects his own form. Like, he could turn into a Minotaur and summon tougher Heartless that resemble that creature. Thus, the fight can go from there.

      Scenario 2: Same thing as Scenario 1, except with a little twist. The King doesn't transform, but instead just summons beasts to fight for him. I haven't come up with them yet, so it's still undecided at this point as to what they'll be (if we go with this idea). But, he also has a trick up his sleeve.

      Since the King can manipulate and control Darkness, he can sense it. Riku doesn't belong in the Dark Realm anymore, as said by King Mickey in KH2. So, considering the fact that Nathaniel could sense the darkness slowly taking over Roxas, the King can see it as well. He uses this to his advantage, and eventually controls Roxas.

      More on the second idea to come.
    3. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I have more on it. :3

      Ooh, okay. Let's do it. =) But have we actually figured out how we're going to start the conversation? And remember what Nathaniel said, about Roxas? Maybe you could have Sora take that into account, and that could possibly affect how things go. ;3
    4. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Well, I was thinking about our Glassice scenario. You know how the King could manipulate darkness by summoning Heartless and whatnot? I was thinking he could do something of the sort instead of changing into a creature. Or, maybe he could do both.
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      What exactly are you referring to? xD
    6. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Well, that's pretty awesome. xD

      Okie dokie.
    7. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Ugh. Spanish. Dx
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Again: lucky. Our teachers, well one or two, are mean. xD
    9. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Well that's good. =)
    10. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      One word: lucky. =)
    11. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Wow. xD I hate my school, mostly because everybody knows everything about you within the course of one day. It's annoying at times, and there's a lot of drama. =/
    12. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Yup, sure do. Hate it too. Dx
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      40-some, I believe.
    14. Forever Love
    15. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Did you go to a big high school?
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      108, which is bad for somebody on FB. x3
    17. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Me too. Though my friends are boring and hardly ever update with something interesting. xP
    18. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Seriously. It's addicting. xD
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      So you have a facebook? :3
    20. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      How did he do all that? xD
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  • About

    Living my life.
    I like writing. And listening to music. And videogames.

    Singing, videogames, writing, reading, hanging out with my close friends, guitar...+ stuff. :)


    Everybody dies but not everyone lives. ​