Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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2:56 PM
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      *thinks* yeah..i know >>'' im scared to tell my mom CTR >>'''
    2. nasirrich
      *Gets up very slowly and wobbles* Owwww man that hurt.Its not that. I have pretty much blew out my energy from doing this.But um maybe I should go to get some cookies. I mean I used my Mangekyou Flower Sharigan on you to hide what I was feeling and that wasn't right.
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      but i dont want to be beatend up all the time, i want to be loved alittle :)
    4. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      let him go and be happy?........
    5. nasirrich
      That's it... That's the one light that I have been looking for. Those who care for me. All my friends, family. All those. And I was to afarid to say it cause I wasn't soo sure. When a lot of my friends were helping me I knew what they were doing was trying to pull me into the light. And I-'m so very...*His body fails him from over using his Mangekyou Flower Sharigan. He falls on the ground and starts to shake a bit* D-D-Damn it I was so close once again
    6. Dman23
      *looks at u and smiles*yep i am ^^
    7. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ...but i can't even move on...
    8. Dman23
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
      y dont you want me to leave?
    10. raceing227
      ...Ok, thanks!
    11. raceing227
      Ok. the topic is: The Role Of A Catholic Person In A Christian Community.
    12. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      Hmm i didn't im immature rght now just stupid i keep messing things up...
    13. nasirrich
      *Eyes Fade Away**Out of breath* Its not that I just really over used them yesterday and got at least three people in the type of trance state.*Has a warm feeling on the inside for being next to you.* W-wat is this I don't hate it. Its feels kinda nice. But Noo I can't...This caring feelings from my friends is oo nice. I don't know y I can't accept that.And um ok I'll do that.
    14. raceing227
      The problem is that it's due tomorrow and I havn't started. xD
    15. Dman23
      ^^ im speaking to raceing right now she says she wants to be the god of dragonz
    16. Dman23
      sup!!!!!! i private chatted with sh like usaul he said its ok ^^
    17. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      how? im the 1# worst memeber of khv
    18. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      i got..kaiser..ryo..but..he knows will i'll be going...
    19. raceing227
      haha. xD I WANT to play video games all day, but I HAVE to finish my essay...
    20. nasirrich
      Ok well I really hate it wen people are nice to me. Cause if I'm nice back then I think that they think that I'm just doing it to return the favor. But I'm trying to stop that. And when people worry about me I feel selfish. Cause I would rather help them they help me.*Eyes starting to wear off cause of over using it from yesterday* Damn it I knew that I still didn't have the energy to be doing this
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3