Last Activity:
Oct 21, 2020
Dec 7, 2011
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Unknown, from Unknown


This is a status. Jan 4, 2017

Mysty was last seen:
Oct 21, 2020
    1. strfruit
      "You ARE best friends...."
    2. strfruit
    3. strfruit
      I slowly awake lying on the cool ground.
      Sophie kneels down to help me sit up. I look up at her.
      "Are you okay?" She asks.
      I nod and stand up looking out to the island. Thinking of what I just heard, I look over at Sophie and smile. This was a start....starts with an S.....could it be.....
      I run to the shore and stare out at the lovely island from which I used to play.
      I kneel down to the waves swashing up on the shore and place a glass bottle with a note inside into the water for the waves to carry away.
      "What's that?"
      A letter....I wrote it yesterday, to the boy I can't remember. I said that no matter where he is....I'll find him. One day. And when I stopped writing, I remembered we made a promise, something important. This letter is where it starts. I know it."
      Sophie grins. "Wow....I hope he gets it."
      "He will."
      Sophie nods.
      "Starts with an 'S'.....Right, Sora?"

      RESTORATION AT 79% (lol)
    4. strfruit
      "Okay, Roxas, but can you tell me HIS name?"
    5. strfruit
      Who?" I ask.
      No one answers. Could he know that boy?!?
      "Please, a name!"

      (lol yes...oh my!)
    6. strfruit
      Thankies! ^^

      -somewhere far away near Destiny Island-
      "Kairi! Wait up" A young girl shouts as she ran up to me.
      I wait for her to catch up then we continue walking.
      "Hey, do you feel like going out to the Island? Tidus and Wakka are all wrapped up in their ballgame and they won't go with me."
      "Not today....sorry." I reply to her feeling really....sad inside.
      Sophie pauses her walking as I continue forward.
      "Aw, why not?" she asks as she catches up to me.
      I stop walking and stare off towards the island. "Do you remember those boys who used to hang out with us?" I ask.
      "I wonder whatever happened to him? I sure miss him."
      I smile. "He's far away, But I know we'll see him again."
      "Sure. Of course we will." Sophie responds with a grin.
      "And the other boy?" I ask...hoping she would remember who he was.
      "What other boy?"
      "The one who was with Riku and me all the time...we played together on that island. His voice always used to be there...but now it's gone. I can't think of his face, or his name. I feel awful about it. So I told myself...I'm not going to the island until I remember everything about him. "
      "Are you sure you didn't make him up?"
      I nod with a smile on my face.
      "Namine?" I hear out of nowhere....I now am feeling nauseous..I place my hand on my forehead.
      "Namine? What's happening to me?" I hear the voice again.
      I reply "Who are you? And that's not my name. I'm Kairi"
    7. strfruit
      Ahhh!! oh my! I never replied!! My apologies! v.v

      I placed my finger in the "shhhh" position so that Roxas would not speak.
      "My name is Namine..............Roxas......Do you remember your true name?"
      The room was silent. Then, suddenly, a man in a black coat grabs my arm and yanks me up by his side.
      "Say no more, Namine." He says in a deep voice.
      "But if no one tells him, Roxas will......"
      "It's best he doesn't know the truth." The man interrupted.
    8. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      xD If it was smaller, I'd use it in my signature. xD
    9. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      For me? :'D Awwwww, thank you. :glomp:
    10. strfruit
      I walk up to you with a gentle smile.
      "And you a...." I throw my hand up cutting him off.
      "I wanted to meet you at least once..." I said as I pressed my finger tips together and placed my hands in front of me.
    11. strfruit
      Sora (concerned)........hmmmm -crosses arms and looks at Donald and Goofy who appear to have sad expressions on their faces-
    12. Llave
      No worries, we'll win. C:
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Tell her, not me :P
    14. Llave
      Hey there!

      Right now I'm lazybending. But we will be training some more tomorrow.
    15. Always Dance
    16. Maka Albarn
    17. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Good to know, mate.
      Keeping yourself busy with things?
    18. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Not bad, tired and a little groggy.

    19. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Wazzuuuuuup?! xD
    20. miaulement
      Yes, Namine is a pretty cool guy XD haha
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  • About

    Past Usernames:
    Otonashi, Myst, The Hero of Winds, Bolin, Eevee, Marta Lualdi, Alchemyst, Naminє, The Almighty Helix, Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII, Momo Kisaragi, Kyubey, Zekken, Marvell
    Really if you are interested at all in anything I may have feelings towards, it is best to ask me instead of stock the information from here.



    "I always say what exactly what I'm feeling, and if they don't like me, that's fine! It doesn't change the fact that I was close to their hearts." -- Yuuki Konno


    "Asuna, there are things you can only share with someone by fighting." -- Yuuki Konno

    Tumblr - Orbs of Life RP - Vocaloid playlist
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