Sep 25, 2006
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9:22 PM
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Amaury
      Just out of curiosity, is SPDude really as neglectful as people make him out to be or are they just making it seem worse than it is? That's not to say that he isn't being neglectful, just maybe not that bad, though.

      I do agree, though. We need a new and powerful server. I'm not sure if I was lucky or if the server was in a good mood or what, but if you remember an earlier discussion of ours where I said how often I visited this forum before I became regularly active again on June 5th, I noticed that when I popped in in 2010 and this year before June 5th, I never once encountered a database error -- it was only when I started coming on here regularly and pretty much all day, with some exceptions, of course, such as sleep, shopping, etc., that I started getting them.
    2. Amaury
      I forgot to mention that I went through a lot of the threads in Forum News, your started threads, RvR's started threads, and Deathspank's started threads this morning.

      Here's what I gathered:

      - Read Welcome Back to KH-Vids, August 8th, 2010 and KH-Vids 4.0 Coming Soon threads
      Points I gathered include the hacker supposedly got in contact with an administrator to say that he gave up and people whining when the forum upgraded to 4.0.

      From your threads, I saw a lot of life stuff and announcements. :) One thread I took a particular interest in was that one regarding your unreasonable sister. Sorry that you had to suffer, but at least you don't have to anymore. :)

      From RvR's, I gathered mostly announcements and spam threads, one being the 4.0 upgrade thread full of whiners.

      From Deathspank's, I gathered that there were apparently two new servers implemented. One was a powerful one dedicated to KH-Vids and another one was to combat a database error outbreak that happened and get rid of them forever. It looks like I joined when there was a good server (1/15/2007), because I know that the forums were really different then and Deathspank was still here and an administrator.
    3. Amaury
      That's good.

      Keep me updated on that "Viewing Attachment" bug, by the way. :)

      Thanks in advance and much appreciated. :)
    4. Amaury
      Is it just a cold or is it the flu?

      Either way, feel better soon! :)
    5. Amaury
      ...and that makes three DBEs today -- just added it to my OP in my thread. Ha-ha!

      Anyway, you sure got on late today. It was 8:09 PM, which was over an hour ago, when I noticed that you were on, meaning it was 11:09 PM for you.

      Busy day? Ha-ha!
    6. Simbarulz88
      Hey misty you should check out the two KH2FM battle videos that I uploaded on this site and tell me what you think of them.
    7. Amaury
      Yay! We're caught up with the SEGA forums, which, as of yesterday, have been down for four weeks, and FF Shrine forums in terms of forum version.

      Unfortunately, the "Viewing Attachment" bug is still here, so it must be a KH-Vids specific bug and not a vBulletin version bug like you thought. =/

      I guess that needs more looking into. :)

      EDIT: Also, the Nobodies' Reprieve and KHV 4.0 V2 (the one I've been using) themes don't show the users that are online, just that there are users online -- it's only the default, KHV 4.0: Final Mix, and Isn't It Pretty? themes that show that there are users online and the actual users themselves, too.

      I guess that needs a looking into, too. :)
    8. Amaury
      So it's more of a random thing, eh? Ha ha!
    9. Amaury
      I just finished going through the rest of your album.

      Two things I noticed that were different with vBulletin then for people viewing profiles and private messaging.

      Viewing User Profile
      Today, 2:00 PM

      Creating Private Message
      Today, 2:00 PM

      Now it's just

      Viewing User Profile
      Today, 2:00 PM

      Private Messaging
      Today, 2:00 PM

      You should add me to your album. :) If you want to do it and if you want me to view a specific forum or thread for the joke, let me know. :) If you want to do it, it doesn't have to be right now, of course. :)
    10. Amaury
      Why question it? It's true. Ha ha!

      Also, you're welcome. =D
    11. Amaury
      Misty, when you're right, you're right.
      That makes you awesome! :)
    12. Amaury
      I did it again. D= Delete the comment on my profile, please. :)


      Yeah, I know. =) I just like to call any rarely used or formal word scientific.

      For example, formal people say things like fathom instead of comprehend / understand or, "I'll inform him." instead of, "I'll tell him."

      Oh, and speaking of database errors, it looks like some edits got messed up for this user.
    13. Amaury
      Well, except for the owner? "Amirite?" =P

      I rarely hear the word albeit. Isn't it a more scientific word replacement for the word although or something?
    14. Amaury
      I looked through a few of your album pictures, and it looks like at one point you were just a Super Moderator. Ha ha!

      Oh, and I forgot to ask. Did you get a chance to look into yesterday's database error?

      Was it just one of those regular database errors or was it a unique one like when files were corrupted on June 20th?
    15. Amaury
      There's only one that I remember, and that was sometime before school got out for break. I'm sure I've had way more from when I was born to before the one I remember, but I don't remember. Ha ha ha!
    16. Amaury
      I'm sure you've had sleep paralysis at one point or another. Ha ha!
    17. Amaury
      That's true.

      There are times, though, when it feels like we have to struggle to open our eyes for some reason. It probably has something to do with that occasional between waking up and sleeping paralysis thing.
    18. Amaury
      That's happened to me, too. It's sometimes kind of scary, because one knows what's going on around them, but they can't move because they're asleep.
    19. Amaury
      Oh, you should see me. My mom woke me up the other day because I had to take her to work in an hour or so, and I just fell back asleep within minutes. She woke me up again later, of course, but... =P

      Have you ever had those moments where you're in your bed and your eyes are open, so you see your bedroom or whatever, but it's like your still asleep? It feels like I dream, but I believe it's not.
    20. Amaury
      I see. Plus, for you now, it's 11:55 AM, so there's really no point in trying to go back to sleep if you're just going to wake up again in an hour, 5 minutes. Ha ha!
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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