May 28, 2011
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May 26
The ice cream shop :O
High School, Summer, Aion(pc game)


Moogle Assistant, Female, from The ice cream shop :O

O.o no idea........... Aug 25, 2012

    1. Rhiscx
      Because of your cousins? You will have to elaborate that one.

      But yes. The Scary Movie series is hilarious!! I love the first two most. God I miss Shorty...
    2. Rhiscx
      Really? I thought it was very boring, and put me and my mother to sleep. That was crap. I did not bother to watch the other two.

      But if you want to drop it I understand, we'll talk about something else.
    3. Rhiscx
      Awww....Ok. I understand. Maybe I'll tell you some other time.

      And maybe something will happen tonight.... You haven't watched the Paranormal activity movies have you?
    4. Rhiscx
      Ha ha ha!! I wouldn't worry. They're in my house not yours. I've gotten used to them. They don't threaten us, but some things have happened. Even to me recently. And as in recently, I mean 2 nights in a row.
    5. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      XD yeah a bit now
    6. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      And I have those fuzzy/fluffy socks on lol
    7. Rhiscx
      No. My teeth, and the rest of my body are fine. But the whole atmosphere is really cold around me. I'e gotten used to this. I personally think my house is a little bit haunted.
    8. Rhiscx
      That's good. I'm cold too, but mine feels different.
    9. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      My hands are warm but my feet are cold lol
    10. Rhiscx
      Well, that's good that you help your friends out. Anyone would do right to follow your example.

      So, are you feeling better at all by any chance?
    11. Rhiscx
      "Cloud Smiles" (A rare moment indeed. One for the history books)

      That sounds funny. But, I certainly hope they don't ask for work everyday. I used to have an issue with that. Then I learned this person wasn't a friend, he was just using me to get the work done, and get good grades.
    12. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      XD they'll warm up
    13. Rhiscx
      Wow, we got some common ground huh?

      Well at least your friends support you right?
    14. Ventus PSP Aqua
    15. Rhiscx
      Well idk. People just see me as really smart, so I get grouped with the "nerds". I hope that isn't a bad thing.
    16. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Lol ew I wouldn't want that XD
    17. Rhiscx
      That's an interesting day. I think I would have no difficulty fitting in. Provided because a lot of people think I'm a nerd anyway.
    18. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      XD I want coffee now lol
    19. Rhiscx
      "Nerd day"? Good heavens this intrigues me. What ever day is that?

      Sorry for late reply, sent a huge message.
    20. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Lol that'll help. Right now I'm eating ice cream and its so good but also its making me colder XD
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  • About

    May 26
    The ice cream shop :O
    High School, Summer, Aion(pc game)
    there's not much about me, jus talk to me if you wanna know more ^^

    ....well theres a lot so mostly read manga,watch anime, and play games ^^ those are my favorites

