Last Activity:
Jan 2, 2019
Jan 20, 2008
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9:58 PM
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May 6, 1991 (Age: 33)
Home Page:
New York


Chaser, Male, 33, from New York

Mike was last seen:
Jan 2, 2019
    1. Maggy
      It's all good :)
    2. Magick
    3. anomaly1
      Thats good! Just one more day away, or technically in your case a lot more hours or so away. I really can't wait, but I'm patient so I will. Usually, I wouldn't be and would be basically bouncing off the wall (not literally) but I'll make an exception for this lol :)
    4. anomaly1
      You must be WAY more than ready by now for this project launch by now, huh? I'm feeling pretty hyped up about it too lol.
      Feelings mutual.
    5. Fearless
      I just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY like demyx. (and namine)
      DANCE WATER DANCE *floats away*
    6. Fearless
      Yay for working audition ^^
      But why do you get to be two characters?
      Not trying to be mean, just curious.
    7. Ol'Sephy
      Oh! lmao I feel stupid now. :P I don't think that I can do the slicing part, but the HTML placing I can do. My Paint.net program is crap and I can never get it to do anything other than screw up images. Plus, I don't have the money to get Photoshop, so... But, if you had someone else do the slicing and cropping, I can take the pieces and put them in the right place.

      So, just to clarify, that image is how you want the page to look? That's where you want everything to be? The header image on the top and to the left and the navigation on the left just below that? I think I can do that. It might take a little longer, (I would need to keep referring to my books), but I could do it. I hope I didn't annoy you too bad with my stupidity! :D
    8. Ol'Sephy
      I still have no idea what that means. I know how to embed images, but I don't even know what you mean by layout. Are you referring to how the entire page looks? Like where everything is in relation to each other? Or are you referring to just images? Sorry if I am not getting this if it's really obvious! :P I could probably make a layout that would look pretty good, but I'm not too sure I could make it look how you want it to look.

      Anyway, to clarify, I think I'm getting confused on what you mean by "cropping" and "slicing." It's been a while since I've even tried to do anything like this, so I'll look in one of my books.
    9. Ol'Sephy
      About Photoshop layouts: I have no idea what that means. :P Would you mind dumbing it down? I missed a couple classes, so that might be why I don't know what you mean. If it has anything to do with backgrounds, then yes, I could do something with that. Other than that, I can't think of what it might mean... O_<
    10. Arixik
      Haha, you're probably going to scream at me or something when I tell you this.
      I only have gmail and oovoo.
    11. fadedphantom
      Well, sort of, but I'm extremely new to it. I am a Computer Science major, so I've done a tiny bit, but not a lot. I'm a fast learner though... haha I could give it a try?
    12. Arixik
      sorry, I don't have MSN. It won't let me download. I tried to download MSN twice, but somewhere in the middle it says it can't download. I don't know why though.
    13. Arixik
      Sure, why not? =3 It's spring break for me and I'm bored anyways.
    14. Maggy
      dang, i feel bad i can't help with the website D:
    15. Sanya
      Can't now man, this computer won't run it.
    16. GREE06
      Ah, well I hope you can find them.
    17. GREE06
      Ah, that does sound stressful. Who are you trying to find?
    18. GREE06
      I'm tired from work too. How's your stuff going now?
    19. GREE06
      Hey dude, how's it going?
    20. Maggy
      yea, i was just nervous about it, like when u put that picture up with the arm xD lol
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  • About

    May 6, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Home Page:
    New York
    My name is Mike Masiello. Today I'm studying television and radio as I continue my studies. I produce and act in non-profit movies, spreading awareness to young adults about the dangers of bullying, drugs and alcoholism. My dream is to become an actor/voice actor in movies and television. At this point, I feel that I've become aware of my surroundings, looking for ways to help others in the on-going fight of erasing hate. There was a time where I didn't accept myself for who I was, but that has all changed. I find myself interested in hearing stories by interviewing people. If anything, I would like to see myself as a television show host and television/radio personality as I finish my studies.



    Resume Website
    : mikemasi.com
    YouTube | Twitter | IMDb | Instagram

    KHRecharged: khrecharged.com
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