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Aug 17, 2013
Jul 8, 2010
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Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
Brain Ninja


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 28, from Candyland!

MaM_1 was last seen:
Aug 17, 2013
    1. adamboy7
      Yup, just the KH2FM ISO :) You dont need the folder, just the ISO file inside it :)
      Once you have the KH2FM ISO in there, you are going to have to rename it. Rename it to KH2FM, and tell me when you are here :D
    2. adamboy7
      Yes, the intire ziped file is an ISO. for some reason un beknownsed to me, all ISO files are editable with 7-zip, winzip, and pretty much all compression programs lol. As I said, you can extract files from an ISO, but you cant really put them back together again properly. But the file is still fine, so long as the files are still in the ISO :) The disc image is what tells your playstation (or in this case, computer) that it is a DVD :) So, anywho, make sure your ISO is in the KH2FM folder you made in your C: drive. Everything must be in the same folder :D
    3. adamboy7
      By chance, did you ectract the contents of the ISO? Because you are not soposed to do that XD I mean you can, but its not easy to put it back together agian lol.
    4. adamboy7
      I am home :D Okay, the name of the ISO is just whatever text the file has. however, i realised the ISO has a space in the name. So find the ISO you copied and rename it KH2FM. You know how to rename a file, correct?
    5. adamboy7
      Sorry for the short chat, but I must go, my lunch break is over lol. Copy and paste the name of the ISO after KH2FM_patched\ and make sure you put.iso at the end. if you have any problems, I shall help you when I get home :D
    6. adamboy7
      Good, good. Now drag the patch onto the patcher, and a black box should pop up :D You will be able to type in this box. We are going to have to type the file directory in. What is the neame of the ISO?

      The file path will be this:
      C:\KH2FM_patched\-the name of the ISO-.ISO and then hit enter :D
    7. adamboy7
      Okay, go into your C: drive and make a new folder. Name that folder KH2FM_patched. For some reason, the patcher does not like spaces in any names. So just name it KH2FM_patched.
      Download these two files in that folder.

      This is the patcher:

      And this is that patch:
    8. adamboy7
      I am sorry, but I must go to bed. If you wish, tommorrow I can show you how to patch your ISO and make it english :D
      I wish you a good afternoon, and I am going to bed lol. Good night :D
    9. adamboy7
      That is the emulator, that is the emulator setup, and now you know how to use it. Under system is Boot CDVD, by default it will have the last ISO you loaded selected. Fast boot is without a load up screen, full boot is full loading, while the game is running, boot changes to Fast reboot and full reboot, you can chane all and any settings at any time, and I suggest you invest about $10 in an adapter for your ps2 controller. The real thing allows for MUCH more controll then a keyboard. The adapter is optional, it costs money, but it is better.
    10. adamboy7
      As I said, it will differ from computer. Hardware is grayed out because I am using software. If I were using hardware, software would probably be grayed out. But trust, me, you are fine. You can skip it for now :D
      Okay, once at Audio, there will be three sections. Mixing Settings, Output settings, and an unlabeled box. In the mixing section, go to interpolation. My computer runs games fairly smoothly, so I have it on option 4, ps2 like/slow. If you want it faster, you van go to 3 or above. The smaller the option number, the lower the audio quality. I have disable effects unchecked because I dont really need the speedup it gives. Check it if you want to run faster. In output section, I have option 1 selected for module, latency slider set to 150 ms (avg). On audio expansion mode I have Quadrifonic set. I have Use a winamap box checked, and finally, in the unlabeled section, i have debugging options enabled :D Once you are here, your emulator is completely set up, and you are ready to go :D. A word of warning, you have to have a REALLY good computer to run at the speed of an actual PS2, so for the most part, you will have a little faster than what I showed you in my video agianst Zexion. :D
    11. adamboy7
      Good, good. :D Now, you can make it a smidgen faster by adjusting the audio and video configuraion. The video configuration however varies defpending on how your computer is set up, what hardware you have, software installed, ect. So you will have to mess with video configuration yourself I am afraid. You may or may not have what I have. But just to check it out, go to Config, Video (CS), and click on plugin settings. There should be a box with the word Renderer next to it. Click it, and I have "Direct3d9 (Software)" selected. Not sure if you have it, our computers may differ. On Interlacing (F5), I have None selected, I know for a fact you have this option. Because I am using software, the next section, Hardware mode setting, is grayed out. In the next section, Software mode settings, I have Rendering Threads set to 1, and Edge-anti aliasing (AA1) un ticked. Once that is set to your likeing or however runs best for you, click OK. Go back to Config and select Audio, and click plugin settings. Tell me when you are here :D
    12. adamboy7
      Back :D
      Okay, The next section is GS window. All options here are completely and totally up to your personal preference. The only thing I would change is the second box, Always Hide Cursor. This does absolutely nothing but hid your curser lol. Everything else is up to you, this does not affect the emulation speed. Default is fine :D. Next tab is speed hacking. There are four sections, Eecyclerate, Vu cycle stealing, other hacks, and micro VU hacks. Make sure the box at the upper left hand corner is checked. We want to enable speedhacks. Once that is ticked, go to Eecyclerate. Move the slider to 2. In the next section, Vu cycle stealing, move the slider to 3. In the next section, other hacks, make sure all three boxes are checked. And in the next section, micro VU hacks, make sure both boxes are checked. Finally, go to the last tab, gamefixes. Make sure the box in the upper left hand corner is NOT ticked. Everything else should be grayed out. After that is done, click Apply, and OK. Your emualtion settings are now set up. See how it runs. Tell me when you are here :D
    13. adamboy7
      brb, I have to take the garbage to the curb.
    14. adamboy7
      okay, the next four sections are VU0, VU1, Round mode, and clamping mode. For the first setion chose Interpriter. In the next section, chose micro VU Recompiler. In the next, chose Nearest, and in the final section, chose None. Go to the next tab, GS. When in GS, there are two sections, and two tick marks. The teo bottom tick marks should never be touched, they will freeze your game lol. No damage will be done, but your game will freeze. So, in the first section, Framelimiter, there will be three boxes with percents in them. Change Base Framerate adjust to 100%, Slow motion adjust to 100%, and turbo adjustment to 400%. In the next section, Frame skiping, click the first circle that says Disabled. We will not be skipping frames, it makes the game run choppy, and messes with textures. Tell me when you are here :D
    15. adamboy7
      Okay, there should be four sections; Emotion engine, IOP, Round Mode, and Clamping mode. In Emotion engine select Recompiler, nothing else should be checked for that section. In the next setion, IOP, click Recompiler. In the next, Round Mode, click Chop/Zero. Finally, for the next section, Recompiler, click Normal. Tell me when you are done, and then go to VUs. :D
    16. adamboy7
      Wonderful! Okay, now, you can keep going on with lag, but you can make it fun MUCH faster :D. The configuration is no universal, and therefore varies from computer to computer. However, what I am about to show you will be much faster than how it is now lol. You can leave the game window open if you want, its up to you. go to the PCSX2 ps2 emulator. Click config and go to emulation settings. There will be some pictures of computer chips. Click the first one that says EE/IOP. Tell me when you are there :D
    17. adamboy7
      Go the the PCSX2 PS2 emulator. Click System, and click Boot CDVD Full (You can do fast when you want to skip the loading screen, but first we want to make sure it boots up)
      A new window should open up, and it should be the playstation loading screen. Your game is now running. untill you get things set up properly however (I will tell you what to set in a sec), it WILL lag pretty bad. You can however play. Also, untill it gets set up properly, it may crash after long use. You can just go to the System tabe and click Reboot CDVD fast (or full if you want the loading screen). Try it now and tell me if things load up :D
    18. adamboy7
      There should be a scroll bar at the side of it. Scroll ALL that way down to the bottom. Click "USA v02.00(14/06/2004)" (The very last one). Click Apply and OK. Then setup is done (untill you play with the emulation settings. But now as is, it should play your game. I will show you the emulation settings once you load your ISO :D)
      Click okay and go back to the box that says PCSX2 PS2 Emulator. Click the tab that says CDVD, scroll over ISO selecter, and click browse. Find the kh2fm folder you downloaded from the pirate bay. The folder will be named "Kingdom_Hearts_2_Final_Mix_Plus_JAP_PS2DVD-GANT" Inside there will be folders named DISC 1 and DISC 2. DISC 1 is kh2fm. DISC 2 is re: chain of memeries remake. You can move these files anywhere you want, just remember where you put them lol. But anyways, click browse and open the ISO of Kh2fm. Click okay and the browser will close. Tell me when you have goten to this point :D (We are about to load the game, gameplay is now :D)
    19. adamboy7
      The very same window. Do you see something like:

      Europe v01.60 (4/10/2001) Console
      Europe v01.60 (4/10/2001) Console
      Europe v02.00 (4/11/2004) Console
      Europe v bla bla bla Console
      Europe v so on, so forth Console

      It should be in the top of the same window.
    20. adamboy7
      lol Good. Go to the box that says PCSX2 PS2 emulator. Click the Config tab agian, and click on Plugins/Bios selecter. You should have a window with a browser button. Click on browse and selest the folder you extracted. Once you have it selected, click okay. There should be alot of letters, the word console, and a region. Tell me when you get there. (Once this is done, you are one step away from gameplay :D)
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  • About

    Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Brain Ninja
    If you REALLY wanna know, just ask. :)


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    Relationship Status ❑ Taken ❑ Single ✔Mentally dating a character that doesnt exist