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Dec 12, 2023
Jan 22, 2011
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May 27
The Matinée


Some kind of mercenary, from The Matinée

Onward we ride! KHV is back and kicking. Aug 3, 2021

Makaze was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. Britishism
      God, I don't remember. You said something about never getting nicest member, and I did my thing

      Anyway, good luck. 2012.
    2. Britishism
      By the by, I nominated you for Nicest Member.
      I keep my promises, bby.
    3. Terra254
      Oh, I see.
      I guess that's a valid point, But kinda a weird way to say it.
      Anyway, I don't have any more question for now.
      Unless you have questions, Then I probabaly won't be able to entertain you for much longer, haha.
    4. Terra254

      Not sure about the first part, I do agree on the second.
      What do you mean?(About the first part?)
    5. Terra254
      Oh, Okay then.
      Hmm...I was wondering, what do you think of the right to bare arms?

      I saw the thread last night as like 5:00 AM, but didn't respond because I probably would make less sense than usually, But I was wondering if you had viewed it, because I don't think I remember you posting (Oh, I'm talking about The Colorado Shooting). I talked about it with Star, If you can call it that because he just kept say "It isn't humane" or ''If he was insane it is at least sorta forgivable", Except in the way he writes stuff, Because I forgot what he said, But it was along the lines of that.
    6. Terra254
      An apostrophe can be used to show possession, right?
      I think so,But I forgot.

      I think she will.
    7. Terra254
      But...Staff doesn't read the majority of my Convo's , Because I'm usually just talking with The Hero Of Time,Rienzel, and Ventus PSP Aqua about irrelevant stuff, Only Wolfie ever views my page, and that is when she does to reply to my occasional VM's about my thought's of people/ reporting people I think are Alts.

      I think maybe it's not her personality, Per Se, maybe its the way she words/types things, She uses a lot of sarcasm, and usually doesn't even reply to The OP's post, and only replies to post in the thread .(Y'know... excluding The Original Post .) My guess is she's still learning about people here and how to express her self here correctly.
    8. Terra254
      A Twilight fan as well.

      I should have known.
      She sounds like one of those people who think their "Hipster" or "Original" Because they listen to "Metal (In her definition)", and act goth, Even though acting "Goth" collectively makes you the exact opposite of what you are trying to be, And gets offended when someone says they don't like what she likes and says "She's Original" or "Different" , And we a "Judging her" I'm not sure why I'm using "So many quotations" there is "No need".

      Might put that in the thread regardless, But Thoughts?

    9. GhettoXemnas
      You're missing a big awesome bro chat with SJ, Jerome, Ben and I.
    10. GhettoXemnas
      I'm hoping he'll be able to come back, but that's all we can really do as of now.

      Also MSN. You should use it sometime ahurrrr
    11. GhettoXemnas
      Ah, yes that was quite uncalled for. But from what I hear, he was a driving force behind the current ban as well.
    12. GhettoXemnas
      Was it RvR who banned SJ?
    13. GhettoXemnas
      Honestly though lowering the level of tension helps. We all know they don't trust you and I especially and they're wary of Vivi and SJ because they know the two of them well enough since they all once worked together. Vivi is definitely garnering a negative light among some members, you've definitely garnered the disdain of the staff, SJ is playing nice because they have to review his case seeing as he was perma-banned, and they know I enjoy stirring the pot and pushing people towards drama. If we show them we're willing to work within the guidelines of this compromise, however progressive it may be in actual practice, I think it will show them we're better individuals than they think. I believe that is what will gain some room for us to breathe.
    14. nasirrich
      See Lethal Injections don't always do what its said to do though. But I do understand what you mean by that so I'm not saying you are wrong.

      But get this ok lets say you see a kid hit someone right. And you hit that kid saying hitting is wrong. But if I'm not mistaken you just said hitting is wrong so why'd you hit me? Then what are you gonna say? I did it so you would cause less harm to that person you hit. But in turn you hurt me so what did you accomplish by doing that?

      So to make it more serious someone is charged for murder correct? I mean what if they killed someone I loved I want to see their death in a way where being able to breath and alive will make you want to kill yourself and all you are. You can sit in a white room that is outside with no pipes or anything. But a red beam is pointing to top of your forehead and you hear water drops. But there's no pipes and its like an inflatable fun house. As you sit there it seems to be getting smaller...

      I can go more into that, but that's what I'd like to see happen.

      Getting back to the point someone is charged for murder and they know they did it so they'll be punished no doubt. Now what the public wants to see is them dead, but why don't we take each person that wants to that person dead and bring them to doctors offices that have people dead on the table, or interrogation rooms where people are killed. See up close someone getting sniped not shot SNIPED with a .50 Cal Tank Armor Piercing Needle Nose Bullet. They want to see death, but not actual want to see it get what I mean.

      So like how can you want something, but not actual want it? See how this mind game, and just confusion works. Like no one wants to see anyone die no matter how sick people say someone is. You are raised no matter by who to hate to see death first hand it just wouldn't be right for your mind. And yet we got so many people say YEA KILL HIM PRO DEATH YEA WOO I HOPE YOU DIE A TERRIBLE DEATH BRO F*CK YOU!!!!! YOU SUCK HOW DARE YOU KILL SO MANY PEOPLE YOU SICK F*CK!!!!! No see that's what I like to call media hate for the fear of persecution of ones self. Or is it prosecution? Ok well since so many people on see what happens when you do what's out of the norm you get lashed for it.

      Think of Gay people and Vets from war. They are considered out of the norm for liking the same sex, and for the vets they aren't able to function with"Normal Society" what ever that means.

      So now you got these people with other thoughts in their head as they want death. But these are the same people that are Pro life for Abortion. That's why I don't see why killing someone will actual prove to be better for any human society... No Any form of society.
    15. GhettoXemnas
      Honestly I feel it's a somewhat decent compromise. Mostly it's on our part, but what they ask of us is a bit reasonable. Pretty much they want us to ease up on the members who don't seem to be able to take our humor and if we do that they say they'll be more lenient on our fun.

      I am, however, prepared for this peace to go sour. I just want to be able to say that I and as many people as I could get on my side tried to do our part if things happened to go bad.
    16. GhettoXemnas
      Did you see the agreement we came to in the Rules thread? I like to know if you're on board for that.
    17. nasirrich
      Here's a question before I hit the bed.

      Is killing right?
      If you get sentence to death for killing someone who killed someone what are you proving?
      That killing is wrong?
      But yet you're killing someone in turn so you pretty much are a hypocrite and the statement is a contradiction in within itself correct?

      I'm asking you this because it is said there's a humane way to kill someone, and yet that isn't so true. If people are referring to the shot they give convicts its false. They not only suffocate, they are still aware of what's going on to them just paralyzed so they haven't the ability to take action.

      I mean can you help me out here is there a proper way to kill anything?
      And really think to take life from that moment anything you think has become nothing but inhumane from that thought of killing. Its over...
    18. GhettoXemnas
      Well if I can cook up anything else to say in that thread that you already haven't, it shall be in comic sans in honor of you.
    19. GhettoXemnas
      Comic Sans is the greatest font ever created and you know it. I vote you go back to Misty's thread and post in Comic Sans. You're bound to get a better response.
    20. GhettoXemnas
      And your post was ever so swiftly side-stepped.

      Also, comic sans.
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    May 27
    The Matinée
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