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Dec 12, 2023
Jan 22, 2011
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May 27
The Matinée


Some kind of mercenary, from The Matinée

Onward we ride! KHV is back and kicking. Aug 3, 2021

Makaze was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Huh... I never notice you replied last. Usually I am the last. Oh well.

      Thankies for the torrent. I shall download it a bit later :3
    2. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      To be honest, the economy is going to collapse (bank runs, lack of school funding, lack of anything but military and police funding) either way and anarchist society will hopefully rise from the rubble. Not in the next five or ten years, of course, but perhaps over the next thirty.
      I don't believe that. I don't believe that this country could collapse and the people wouldn't seek to start a new government.

      They will have economic incentives to be decent (not guaranteed a job, must be likable; not guaranteed customers, must be ethical)
      What makes you think people wouldn't put up with deception for security? What happens the weak links are sorted out and are out of business? Only the strongest will survive, and in that sort of competition, it will end up just like it is today. Private security will become a monopoly.

      The anarchist is usually someone who both distrusts people in the extreme and sees that they are untrustworthy because they were raised by the untrustworthy and that the system allows them to be untrustworthy, to the point that untrustworthiness is encouraged by the current definition of order.
      Once again, how do you expect any entire population to remain true to the anarchist ideals? What happens to the ones that go against it? Do you let these people live?
    3. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      I just can't trust other people. As far as where things are going here in the US, it really doesn't matter at this point. As long as my family is safe.
    4. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      I suppose.
    5. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      The problem seems to be that you are afraid.
      That might might have something to do with it. I don't trust solidarity. I don't trust any one.
    6. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      Anarchists are united by principles and not by location. Solidarity, not patriotism
      But how do you continue to keep those principles? How do you keep so many people from changing their ideals?

      In the event that there is a dispute, or one of the parties does not consent, a court of sorts would be assembled. The structure would vary from person to person because it would be up to what service you bought, but the basic idea is that both sides would hire a private defence agency to judge for them.
      What happen when one side can't pay? What's to stop private defense agencies from becoming too corrupt? This sounds a lot like the current court system we have, where someone with money can provide a better lawyer and have an unfair advantage.

      For simple disputes, each party would choose a judge for their side and hold a trial. The judges chosen by each side must come to an agreement in order for the dispute to be settled.
      Who pays these people? No government funding means it would be all up to the parties involved.

      What happen when one side can't pay at all?

      There will be private defense companies that will violate this, but there will be others in competition with them, and the free flow of information will ensure that they are boycotted or arrested themselves by a competitor if they engage in protection racketeering or the like.
      You make it sound like the free flow of information is powerful enough to keep things under control, and it's not. I don't underestimate, I think you overestimate it. What's stopping every private agency from becoming corrupt and working against the people?

      On another note, what happens to all the government funded programs and services? What happens to funding infrastructure? Schools? NASA? How will all these government funded services and business stay operational without taxation? Without labor laws, what's stopping corporations from getting richer and richer and paying their employees less and less? What happens to employment benefits?

      I don't think the human race is able to handle these things you suggest. There are many people who are too greedy and selfish to co-exist properly in the world that you're imagining. I know because I'm very selfish and I have been through too much at the hands of other people to believe that we're able to live in a society like this. I'm sorry, but I don't really want to discuss this any more and I'm sorry I started this. I didn't mean to insult you or your beliefs. You make some very good points, and have some good ideas, but overall, I just don't possibly see how it could work.
    7. Fork
      That part is too sad. My emotions were everywhere during the whole movie. Hell, it even made Kristen Stewart look good.

      I'd give it an 8/8.5. That's a great score considering that I'm really strict when I'm asked to rate movies. Heck my favorite movies of all time are a 9 at best.
      But yeah, it's a really memorable movie. I think I'm going to have to watch it again sometime soon.
    8. Fork
      So I watched Into The Wild today. Beautiful movie. It definitely has its own charm.
      That ending man. I felt so sad.
    9. Terra254
      Thanks anyway, though.
    10. Terra254
      Just...What do you think about Ireland?
    11. Terra254
      What are your thoughts on Ireland?
    12. nasirrich
      I-I failed you again I'm sorry I wanted so very badly for this case to be solved, but it appears it will just remain a mystery DX
    13. nasirrich
      So a weather balloon then... its the only thing I can see having an LED light in it.
    14. nasirrich
      Think led light... It could be the inside of a UFO toy, or something that takes flight. That's where my head is at right now.
    15. nasirrich
      Oh so I was right about the LED as for the plastic maybe it was apart of something and fell off with it.
    16. nasirrich
      It was part of the plastic? I thought you wrapped it around like that so you wouldn't touch it.
    17. nasirrich
      NO!!! That's not fair I'm trying so hard to find it and it's not working I want you to know. I-I failed...
    18. nasirrich
      I know that's what I am concerned of too. Which is why if I could find a similar pic then maybe I might know the use of this Enigmatic object.
    19. nasirrich
      That's where I'm stumped... I've been trying all sorts of items on google to try and figure out what it is. Its like and LED light from a flashlight inside of it, projector those new hi-tek ones, or something I'm just lost sorry DX
    20. nasirrich
      What in the world how is that... Huh ok let me think it could be this...
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    May 27
    The Matinée
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