Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Arch
      @-@ I didn't have that problem. You should put subtitles next time. >>
    2. Aura
      XD Little Maka threatening me.

      I don't think I am, but yeah. B|

      You should know my answer to this by now. XD
    3. Arch
      Well...did you like the movie at least? *Wonders if you're still here* ><
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Same here. Sometimes in college, they're open about what you can write about. I'm glad that I picked some subjects that I liked or else I would probably be going insane by now.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I need a lot of luck. I have another paper that I'm about halfway through. This was is actually pretty fun to write, so I'm not stressing to much about it.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah. I was practicing the piano for a bit and realized how much I need to practice more. I'm probably going to spend the rest of my day working on my End Times essay and turn it in tuesday for extra credit. I did a quick search through the library's database and found more than enough books to complete all of my sources. It needs to be seven pages, but I'm not even done writing one. I'm going to head out to actually go check out the books. Yay, scavenger hunt. Man, I feel lazy. XD
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      There are two songs that I want to learn: this -->
      and thiis -->
      . I just find them as epic songs. XD
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I have a piano too! I'm trying to learn it, but one of the keys is messed up. I've always wanted to learn guitar, becase the guitarist in every band is awesome. I used to know how to play a baratone during elemenatry/middle school. I don't know why I quit in high school though, I could've gone to so many Disneyland trips with the band. :( One factor was probaby that I was short, and the instrument looked much bigger than me .
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      No, we don't play for service. It's just an idea we had, and we sometimes need a laugh, so when we hang out, we bring it up and do the distorted voices. "Savior, he can move the MOUNTAINS. My God is MIGHT TO SAVE, he is MIGHTY TO SAAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEE!" I wish I could play for the services, that's why I want to learn guitar. I also have this joke where I said "When I die and go to heaven, I'm going to try out for the chior. I hope Jesus knows some Skillet". We get kind of random when we're bored.
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I've tried that years ago, and I got even more sick. XP We don't have a band name, but we know what kind of music we want to do. We want to do a sceamo band, but we only do covers of church worship songs. We all go to church, so we all know the songs, and we've sort of practiced a lot. Mostly it's just us being stupid and bored. I do want to learn how to play guitar though.
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Ha. When I fall asleep, there is no waking me. Sometimes, I wake up with only five minutes before my family leaves. I know they claim to try to wake me, but it seems like they don't really try. Yeah, getting us all together would be cool again.
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yes, yes, I guess we do all have our little moments of stress. It's kind of nice to feel stress though, because that only proves your human. :P Yes, helping others gives me that warm feeling, even just talking to people randomly. I met up with a friend today whom I haven't seen in the longest time. We use to bible study together along with a couple of peolpe, but it broke away as school started. (Sigh) We need to totally get the band together. And I had my Frappaccino at the game and now I think I used up all my energy cheering. I'm dertermined to stay up another hour though. :P
    13. Arch
      You signed out. ><
    14. Plums
      I have not watched Soul Eater at all :c
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I try to be a good person, being that I wasted a good 17 years of my lfe complaining about my heart when I really had a purpose. My friends are really cool and we're always there for each other. I also love helping people, I don't know why, but it's jsut always fun!
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah; but me being lazy still involves some work. There's youth services on Sunday nights and every other weekend, high school/colege students break into their own small groups and I'm one of the teachers. I came up with one a few weeks that was pretty fun. Yeah, he's a really close friend of mine, although he's also the one who got the whole chuch calling me Yoda. Yoda, man! I don't really mind the name though, even though it's kind of funny hearing the youth pastors calling me that. I just hope the contest continues on to next week. If not, I can always invite him over to my house; I think my mom's making it really big this year.
    17. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Honestly, I already had two this morning. :O They're just so....good; or at least the Dark Chocolate Mocha is anyway. It'll probably have to look at my budget again, switch stuff around, and see if I can aford one for each day. I can feel my weekend laziness creeping in, even though I have about three essays to write, two of which have to be eight pages long. I can't wait for Thanksgiving, but the week before is when my huge essay due. So, I don't want it to come too quickly. I'm trying to win this radio contest where you win a free Thanksgiving dinner to give away. I'd give it to my close friend, whose family seems to be struggling financially these past few weeks.
    18. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Good. I think I'm addicted to Starbucks Frappiccinos from the convience stores now. XD I'm also going to a big high school rivalry game tonight. My family is going and most of my friends are still in high school; so I find it as a chance that we get to hang out. I'm not a big sports fan though, but it may be intense. Just depends on how I'm feeling. Maybe I should take a large chug of that Frappiccino before I go. :lolface:
    19. TwilightBlader
      I will be posting soon. I had a difficult exam and I had to stay up all night to study so once I get some rest you can count on my post
    20. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I know what you mean. I had to wake up earlier than usual today, so I was drowsy the entire day. I was so happy to get home, but then I had to clean my room. -_- Not the best way to spend a Thrusday afternoon I guess. At least that means tommorrow is Friday. :D