Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      No new posts as of yet.
    2. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, you're found. Everyone is.
    3. Pinekaboo
      So far we're thinking it's some kind of sport. 'They' are likely either the Staff, the Premiums, or the Heartless. We're thinking about it though.

      Yeah, she's smart in that regard. She tried before, but she didn't attack until attacked, didn't kill except for false images she was creating herself with the Tome, and didn't succeed, so never actually hurt anyone. She doesn't plan to kill until she has the Tome, though she's pretty impulsive.
      The Unbreakable Dark, however, is responsible for the deaths of several entire civilisations, planets, and much more. She also has the power to destroy several planets in a single attack at full power, but that would pretty much takes several days worth of regenerating to get there.
    4. Krown
      Excellent, more people to join us. I have your back too.
    5. Jayn
      They're coming.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Just noticed you've been picked too. Stick with me and KingdomCrownXIII, we're trying to decipher this thing.

      Also; regarding the RP; if Ghost Rider is going for Light, he's gonna encounter Dearche, Lord of Darkness. She's 99% evil, and while she's never technically commited even a single sin, she's tried to awaken the Unbreakable Dark, which would then give her the power to slaughter most of the world. And that's exactly what she plans.
    7. Jayn
      You have been selected for something special -- a game of sorts.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Ah don't worry about it. I was trying to hold Stern back for the time being anyway actually, since once Levi gets there there'll be a lot for them to do.
    9. Pinekaboo
      :lolface: Was that an Ultimate Crossover reference there? xD
      Incidently... Stern's gonna be a little bothered by the fact that Luciferion Breaker was cut off like that. Considering it has the power to level buildings on its own, it's probably a good thing she can shut it off at a moment's notice. :x
    10. Beucefilous
    11. Beucefilous
      Yeah i saw it after i sent that message.

      And yeah. he can make portals over short distances. And by short distances i mean he can't make them go halfway around the world.
    12. Beucefilous
      Want to just time warp to sky city?
    13. starseeker3
      well i have the proto type done and am working to make it stronger i also have the prototype pic on my conversation with kingdomcrownXlll
    14. starseeker3
      yeah its timeline is fast...eventually someone is going to have to keep a record of what happens...where is Jimmie when you need him right now im working on a keyblade made of bionical parts... im trying to make the blade sturdier
    15. starseeker3
      oh cool thanks! anyway how are you.
    16. starseeker3
      hello. HeartlessOfLight if you dont mind me asking, how do you get the Everlasting pin? I know this is sometimes rude to ask a person a question upon meeting them, but I had not seen the Everlasting pin before except on your profile and was wondering how you obtained it.
    17. Pinekaboo
      For the record; Yoda's actually supposed to be on a flying city just above Earth's atmosphere, not Cloud City or anywhere near Bespin.
    18. Droid
      So long as you remember the characters and inform me if someone tires to take them it's cool. After I get the RP set up(waiting for a few members to respond with certain roles I've asked of them) I'll be allowing more characters.
    19. riku1186
      Your character is accepted.
    20. Glen
      Nikolai couldn't believe his eyes. He had only heard stories of the Worlds' hearts, but never took them as true. What would happen if she destroyed it or filled it with darkness? Could the same thing happen that happened to his home on that day? Before Nikolai had time to react, a Keyblade came flying past his head and right toward Xenree.
      Were you referring to my post? Because he doesn't have a keyblade lol
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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