Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Cool... Any luck getting your friend code?
    2. Pinekaboo
      Now get postin', sucker.
    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      All of them. Link's gonna confess feelings, Zelda's gonna die, and BowserJr. Is gonna brag about killing her

      Ps: she's gonna appear dead, but it's a plan that she and Marth made
    4. Pinekaboo
      Plus she cooks well. Because we need a good chef.

      I dunno if that'll be the case. We can easily have it be Sonic/Tails/Knuckles and that's it, with Team Classic being rivals, consisting of the same guys, but Classic form.
      And then Knuckles steals his classic self's hat.
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      You almost done dude? I have something awesome planned but you need to post
      Ps: sorry if I'm being pushy
    6. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, I like to put little Easter Eggs like that in, is all.

      She's a mute. If she does speak... there's serious things about to go down. And you thought Stern was quiet.

      Honestly, yeah, do it. I consider him yours already anyway, and it's not like he's hard to play. What might be a hard choice is whether or not to bring in classic Tails along with him.
    7. Pinekaboo
      Actually, look at the colours again.
      Orange and Blue
      Cyan and Red
      Crimson and Yellow
      Always contrasting colours. That's what I was going for. Plus Stern knows Sonic best, and it's easiest to get her to speak to him if she's holding him.

      Speaking of red and blue, did you see I'm playing Pleinair properly now? This'll be fun.
    8. Pinekaboo
      And once again the Materials's badassitude is proven, as the anihilate two Reapers in the same number of minutes, losing no-one in the process.
    9. Pinekaboo
      Posted. You'll love it, I'm sure.
    10. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      K... Should I reserve Finn Jake Fiona and Cake?
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      This fights gonna get real
    12. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Agreed lol. No long ass intros
    13. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Will we make it in the same continuity as Super Smash Bros. Brawl? So that way fox and friends know link and bowser
    14. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Bowser and Bowser Jr. Will kill everything as father Nd son
    15. Pinekaboo
      Look what I found. 1, 2.
    16. Pinekaboo
    17. Pinekaboo
      Yep, I look forward to your post. Don't defeat the Destroyer. Actually create two, and don't destroy either.
    18. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      No rush man
    19. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      No worries I think itll be a while before there's enough entrys
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Same just looking for brawl matches
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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