Sep 30, 2006
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    1. Misty
      I think I would get afraid sleeping in my car simply because I'd be afraid someone would see me, haha. Also my car is really tiny. Plus I don't have a license. I wouldn't be able to sleep in a public place/outside like that, either, haha.
      And yeah, it's not like I'm doing anything weird, I just hate when people are all up in your screen. D:

      We have four screens, I honestly prefer small theaters. We tend to get movies when they release, sometimes there's a week or two delay but we're pretty good about that... $2 is amazing though. We charge $5 for a matinee & all day Tuesday, then $7 regularly, plus a $2 extra charge if it's 3D. Our popcorn can get pricey, haha.
    2. Misty
      Oh, my sister has the same problem. She usually ends up sleeping in her car, though, haha. She just got a laptop though, so perhaps she'll start bringing it. I wouldn't like using a computer lab, though, I feel like people would always be looking for over my shoulder. D: /paranoid

      Yeah, weekdays are always slow. We probably get like 10-20 people for each movie, but we're a smaller theater. Sometimes it's nice having the theater all to yourself, though, haha. It's a pretty good place to work if you don't mind cleaning.
    3. Laurence_Fox
      I'm not positive how far along the dubbed version goes as I've been watching it subbed. The only hosting site I've seen with the dubbed version is Megavideo. And the time limit on Megavideo bugs me.
    4. Laurence_Fox
      I've been watching the OVA lately.
    5. Misty
      My primary reason for wanting a laptop is just to curl up in bed and still have internets. D: I suppose it'd be practical once I begin college but I'm fine with notebooks, haha. I work at a movie theater though, it's hardly open on weeknights, so I tend to get all my hours in on weekends.

      New Year's Day seems to be spent by my friends hungover, lol.
    6. Misty
      The thought of that is what makes me want to get a laptop everyday. :< Unfortunately I only have a desktop, though, haha. And that sounds really excellent. D: My job basically puts me on everyday over the weekend. ._.

      Haha, well, on New Years I start getting insecure about why I'm laying in bed & not out celebrating like it seems the rest of the world does.
    7. Misty
      Oh, it sounds so lovely to just lay in bed and play video games or read. <3 Unfortunately whenever I try to do those things I start thinking "oh, I have stuff to do on the computer," or homework, or just regular work. :c I feel like the whole world just needs to have a day where you can lay in bed and do nothing and not feel guilty for it, haha.
    8. Misty
      Not too much, haha. Just kind of putting off homework. How about you?
    9. Cia
      Lol it took me 18 days. xD <3
    10. Laurence_Fox
      Odd how fictional characters can stir up a reaction when reality most often does not for me.
    11. Fork
      Yeah I know. Looking back at some PS2 games, the graphics were actually pretty damn horrible >_> When they try to go HD anyway. Some games do hold up though.
      As for the emulators, I asked a few people about it and they told me that if I wanted to emulate a PS2 game I'd need a more than decent computer (That's going by today's standards). Also informed me that said emulators were still in their really early forms. It would take some time to actually perfect it. Or rather, make it at least as good as the PSX emulators.

      Well the huge downside of WoW is that you pretty much have to buy an expansion when it comes out or you'll be missing out on a huge chunk of the community. That said, it's still one of the most solid MMOs out there. Every summer my friends convince each other and me to start it again, and we do .-. It's a neverending cycle with that game. The game is fun when you play it with people you know, only because you get to talk about it a lot haha.
      But DCUO does seem really fun. I guess $5 isn't that much of price compared to other MMOs.

      I don't know. Since SE decided to do a whole series of FFXIII games, it just makes me want to get the game more. I'll probably enjoy it, just not as much as other games in the series. But heck, I even enjoyed FFXII which a lot of people seemed to hate, so I wouldn't worry about it that much.
      The Vita seems pretty awesome but again, I'm not much of a Handheld gamer ._. It's just really not my thing.

      About that last paragraph you wrote >_> I think you missed a few words. Were you looking up the company's name or were you just rushed at the time? Lol
    12. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Well it certainly looks like you know what you're doing so that's apprpriate. You must be very wary of spiler alerts thern, seeing as what you'd be playing new may as well be a year old.
    13. Fork
      Oh wow, those graphics are amazing ._. I didn't even know the original FFXII was so...pixelated. You'd probably need a powerful computer for that though haha. Maybe someday.

      I'll probably download it in that case. Although I might need an external hard-drive eventually haha. Superhero games always interested me, and I have heard that DCUO was fun if you like the whole genre. The whole free MMO thing is somewhat different though. I honestly prefer paying a monthly fee and get every feature (Like WoW), rather than get a free MMO and have to buy in-game items and whatnot. Sure the price is generally cheaper when you truly compare them, but I guess that's another story.

      Yeah I know. Hell there a lot of companies that don't have that much trouble making a whole goddamn game on the PS3 and have gotten amazing results, such as ND with Uncharted.
      And yeah, I definitely know what you mean the whole JRPG thing :/ I played a huge amount of them during the PS1 and PS2 era. Actually, I don't think I've even played a JRPG this generation haha. I've been meaning to get FFXIII (Just for the sake of it being a FF game) but I keep postponing that. I'm just really not the handheld sort of gamer. I prefer my games on a screen. Granted there's obviously a lot of amazing games on the DS and PSP though.

      Ni no Kuni? I haven't heard about that, I think. I'll probably get it since I need to play at least 1 JPRG this gen >_>
    14. Fork
      Wat. You're kidding. When are the Video Game Awards? xD Oh man, I'm actually looking forward to it now haha. Now all we need is more vsXIII info.

      Yeah I know. The whole BC thing being patched up is never going to happen really, or else Sony would lose some devs. It's just that it would be amazing. I have a bunch of games I want to play and replay and there's no way to do it >_> And there's no way I'm getting a PS2 again. Eh, maybe in a few years when the PS2 Emulators become actually decent. But that's a long way from now.
      And lol, what's with MMOs and becoming free to play? Is DC Universe Online any good anyway? I didn't hear that much buzz from it.

      And yeah, you could name a lot of devs who have just made one game this generation. It's pretty bad when you think about it. I guess it's somewhat Sony's fault for making the PS3 Cell so goddamn hard to figure out in the past. I hope that they fix that with their next console. That and the whole "FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLAR" thing at launch. When I think about it, I can't believe I actually got a PS3 when it was so expensive >_>
    15. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      **** me.

      Half of those games aren't even short games. Finishing Deus Ex, Dragon Age 2, inFamous 2, Dark Souls, L.A. Noire, are all at least 13 hours each I'd say, so that's at least 65 hours and even Brotherhood will take you around 10 hours, depending on how much you want to do. So 75 from 6 games alone. Maybe if you have a free weekend or the holidays that are coming up, like you said.

      I think that if you've played the games in a HD collection, you may want to put them on the back burner, for a while.
      Skyrim can be around 100 hours, according to Bethesda. Good luck fitting that in.

      You've made gaming seem like work to me now.
    16. Fork
      A 30Mb connection is pretty awesome if you ask me. Honestly you really don't need anything more for gaming and whatnot.
      The tech came today, and apparently it was a problem with the cables running through the building, so they're coming over again on Saturday. Oh god, this will never end.

      Well hey, with the huge space we have on the Slims, dumping games should never be a problem. Honestly it would be amazing if they ever did that. Maybe obviously since it's Sony they'd never do that. I mean we're talking about the company that took off the Linux support from their PS3s. I mean I never used the thing, but a lot of people did. So it was kind of a low blow from their part.

      As long as the damn game comes out eventually. They've been working on it for too damn long. I just found it hilarious that FFXIII-2 is coming out before it, and FFXIII-3 was already announced. At this rate XIII-3 is coming out before FFvsXIII >_> Man SE, what the hell are you doing. Who knows, maybe when vsXIII is out, they can start working on KH3. Although I'm probably just dreaming, ah-ha.
    17. Fork
      Bah. I knew I forgot to reply to someone. This is what happens when I multi-task while VMing ._. I totally forget to talk to people. Sorry about that.
      My Internet is currently a shared Internet in my building. Thing is sometimes it's fast and sometimes it's 56kbs slow, since there's a lot of people who end up using it. It just depends on the time. And it's beyond frusfrating. I got my own internet (Which goes up to 25Mb) but it's not working for some reason, so a technicien is coming over tomorrow to see what's wrong. God I hope it's fixed tomorrow.
      And yeah, I'm still waiting for Sony to give us that virtual BC thing. It's obviously possible. It sucks because I don't have a PS2 anymore, and there's a bunch of games I would like to play.

      Thing is about the DMC collection, DMC2 really sucked >_> So I'm not really looking forward to playing that if I buy it. DMC and DMC3 were amazing though.
      And I don't know Rising was supposedly coming out this year. I don't know what happened with them. FFvsXIII I'm use to it by now. I'm just waiting for them to eventually cancel it, even though they worked on it for a "long time".
    18. Fork
      That's just horrible >_> It's funny because my PS3 hasn't given up on me once yet, and I've had it for more than 3 years now. (Just watch, the next time I turn it on is the time where it'll give me a YLOD).
      How's your new PS3 holding up so far? Is the Slim really any different?

      Yeah ahaha. I think it's been months since I last logged on. Right now I'm just waiting for my better internet connection to arrive, which should be next week hopefully.
      And DMC4 was fun, but yeah it's predecessors were much better. Bayonetta was very well done, even if it was cheese and over the top, that's why it's so awesome.
      I think MGS2 will consist of getting every soldier's dog tags and MGS3 will have you go shoot every one of those annoying Geckos. Oh god I already did both of those on the PS2 version of the games.
      Question, have you heard anything of Metal Gear Rising? I haven't been keeping up with the news lately.
    19. Fork
      Oh wow, you really are unlucky >_> Did you try going to someone to see if you can repair it? Naturally if it costs to much then lol, you should probably be trying to fix it yourself.

      My PS3 has been collecting dust lately, mostly because I just don't have the time to use it. So I've been feeling sorta bad (EVEN THOUGH IT'S A MACHINE), so I wanted to get some new game to play. And you finally got around to play Bayonetta! That's great. How did you like it?
      Another collection I'm waiting for is the MGS one, only because I didn't get to play Peace Walker.
      Plus MGS2 and MGS3 on the PS3 would be pure gold. Oh god the trophy hunting, I can see it now.
    20. Fork
      Such is life. :| You mentioned that you've been having a hard time before, especially since most of the friends you cared about decided to leave your town and the ones that stayed were ******bags.
      ...I think you did mention that you were doing Computer Science. Either way, that's pretty awesome. It was one of my choices until I decided to do something totally different.

      Not to mention you've been having problems with technology lol (PS3 and TV not working anymore). I REALLY want to get Uncharted too, but I guess I'll just pass on it for now. And you still haven't played AC: Brotherhood? What have you been waiting for all this time? >_> Also yeah apparently the ICO collection is amazing. Dammit Sony, stop re-releasing games. You're going to make me go broke. I have other things to worry about.
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