Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. Jiηx
      Libre, I don't think i've ever said it, but you're pretty awesome, always enjoyed your contributions to the video games section on the forum (cause f'ck Kingdom Hearts these days, like to see the other stuff in the world) and your posts in general are fun and interesting, keep on being you.
    2. Fork
      You have already told me about people in your life, and from what I see it's them being asses, not you.
      And so what if you don't talk to a lot of people? Since when did quantity become a good thing? >_>. Stop giving yourself such a hard time dude, it only makes things worse.
    3. Fork
      Naw don't think that. You're doing fine >_> I don't know why you would think otherwise.
    4. Fork
      But you've been a lot better lately xD Your threads always tend to be entertaining, that's for sure.
    5. Fork
      Jeez, no need to get so insulting.
      I'm only kidding, yo.
    6. Fork
      Or you can take make a road-trip.
      Stop by Las Vegas and a few other places while you're at it.
    7. Fork
      Make it happen. People will write stories, make games, and create movies for such an amazing adventure.
    8. Fork
      It's really fun, especially when you learn to keep your balance xD.
      Over here people don't really care that much about the weather when it comes to Ice Skating. I mean yeah, there are more people in Winter, but there's also a surprising amount in the summer.
      Go get HigherBeing from her place and take her ice skating? Lol.
    9. Fork
      Oh xD Guess we can add Ice Skating to one those things in life that want to kill you?
    10. Fork
      ...How is that even possible? D: Do you have like, zero balance? It must have hurt...a lot. I barely get the courage to get back up when I fall on my butt.
    11. Fork
      Err, I'd have it checked if it still hurts for a few more days.
      But yeah, I've been there. A few months ago I was Ice Skating with some friends, and tripped on small hole, which sent me flying for a few seconds and ended with my knees hitting the ice first. I couldn't walk for days .-. It still sorta hurts when I squint.
    12. Fork
      Uh, explain to me why you did that? >_> What happened?
    13. Fork
      I want to get that. Everyone's been saying so much good stuff about it .-.
      How much does it cost?
    14. kitty_mckechnie
      oh lol! I could see why that could be scary since some of them have strange animations. XD I'll have to try it for myself.
    15. Fork
      Mid-May would be better, since I'd be done with my finals.
      What games are you planning on streaming?
    16. Fork
      Oh well I really wouldn't mind moderating some of your steams xD I can't be on all the time though, obviously. I'll have to make an account. You'll just have to tell me when you're gonna do it.
    17. Fork
      fffffff. That's so lucky. What did you play?
      Also, good thing you knew when to stop playing. Most people go for more.

      And no I don't have an account. Why do you ask? >_>
    18. Fork
      Las Vegas eh? Is it wrong to think that you ended up losing all your money by gambling? Haha.
      But that sounds like fun, I guess xD At least you got to have an interesting experience.
    19. Fork
      Hey there.
      We haven't spoken in a while. How've you been dude? Still going to sleep at sunrise? >_>
    20. Fork
      The Bishop is the villain? That's gotta be the strangest plottwist ever.
      After a few level-ups and upgrades, I ended up defeating Chester really easily >_> It's amazing what a level-up can change in this game.
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