Jun 18, 2008
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May 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


Moderator, 32


Well tell her that I miss our little talks Jan 22, 2015

    1. Itachilives
      Hello I would like to join your The STRANGE rp. I wanted to ask before I make my oc. I was reading the posts and if its a problem i could join after the first week, whatever works for you. Thanks
    2. strfruit
      You are very welcome!
      Hope your 20th birthday was a good one! ^^
    3. Lite
      I'll read it over now, along with a re-read of the rules.
    4. Lite
      I see. So are you still keeping the exclusivity with having only seven? I don't mind, I'd just like to know when it's open for anyone to join, since 1. You make some darn good RPs and 2. The idea behind said RP is very interesting.
    5. Lite
      I noticed. No complaints here about the setup.
      Also, I noticed in the OOC thread, you said that your STRANGE RP was open to the public...Does that mean I could join in it's excellence? Because I've been keeping an eye on it, and it's been looking pretty cool.
    6. Lite
      Oh, right. My bad.
      Oh, okay. So one more boss for each side then. Sounds good.
    7. Lite
      I worded that wrong, my bad. I meant to say they went to go protect her. She (Along with the Professor) was in danger, right?
    8. Lite
      I don't think everyone's chosen where they're gonna go yet. Last I checked, Lars and Kross were going to help the Gorillas, and Anora went to look for Jane. I think Kel may have gone with Anora as well.
    9. Iskandar
      You've never played mystery dungeon? Huh, thought you would have for some reason. But just a word in advance, the first one doesn't really have as good of a plot as the second. And the second does things much better, including how it organizes its plot and stuff.
    10. Iskandar
      yeah, I guess that makes sense. I completely forgot about Coliseum and Gale of Darkness. I don't know why, but those two I forget the most about. And actually wouldn't Pokemon Conquest actually make a little sense? I mean, it doesn't follow the general pokemon games, but it still has you fighting lords and stuff, which in a weird way, kinda makes it like a gym....maybe.......I'm really stretching this logic aren't I?
    11. Lite
      I remember one team going to save the Gorillas and one to go save Jane and the Professor. Has something else happened since then?
    12. Iskandar
      alright, well I'm messing with my explorers of sky right now, so once you update I'll start with that dragon run-through. Too bad though, I've played White too much. Only thing is I'm not doing dragons on emerald or platinum. I have bad luck with bagon finding on emerald, and there's no enough in platinum for my taste.
      You know, have you thought about putting the Mystery Dungeon games on the thing? I know it sounds weird, but maybe something like a bonus badge or something like that? Just seems like a waste to not include those
    13. NikkiNoNo
      Thank you Krowley ^^ !!!!
    14. Iskandar
      are you still keeping up with the Gym Leader Challenge? Or are you just being piled by other stuff?
    15. Lite
      Apparently I missed your birthday, so...
      Happy day-after-your-birthday!
    16. strfruit
      Happy Belated Birthday!!!! ^^
    17. Jayn
      Happy birthday. <3
    18. Amaury
      Happy birthday.
    19. Chevalier
      Hey there, derpy derp. Happy birthday <3
    20. Dinny
      I am, thank you!! c:
      And whoohoo~ I shall check it out <3
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    May 6, 1992 (Age: 32)



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