Damn, that's cool. The only other option for me is that my uncle owns a lighting/electric supply shop so I might be able to work there. Though I would have to leave this state to do so, lol.
No. I've had that nickname since my junior year in high school and it fit with the then fad of changing names to match TWEWY.
It was. I hit my head too many times. xD No worries, I know plenty of girls that act kinda like guys.
I have indeed played TWEWY. I had finished the first week, but after that I had to return it to Blockbuster. xD I'll be sure to let you know. Yeah, that's the joke. It's small. Not really, I just kinda keep to the basic teens I hang out with, but I'm starting to meet people outside school. I just need to get outta the house more. xD
I should try fanfic stuff. Hm. I'm not quite done with Chapter 4 yet. I've been working on the story for 6 months now, and I kinda took a month and a half break so... I need some time to finish Chapter 4. xD I wasn't sure if it was good though, because Ada is just kinda.... bleh. Nothing special. Just a small town that takes 10 minutes to drive from one side of town to the other and that's if you hit all red lights. xDD
I didn't want it to be too much like Twilight, but it was sort of the inspiration, so it was slightly difficult. Glad I balanced it, though. Everything in the story, except the reservation (though I'm sure there's one here - I dunno) is based off of people and places where I live. Even the town and state are correct. I live in Ada, Oklahoma. xD The people are based off of my best friends and my family. Their names are either switched around or their nickname. 'Cept for Zack and Emily and Mr. Capps.
I can see where it can be. Probably pretty stressful at times. And that's good to get a feel for it, in case for some reason you realized that it isn't your calling lol.