People'd be jealous of the Epic Aura of our pressence. Yeah, but they wish they had someone as awesome as you more. <3 Thanks for the Cnc <3 Replying now. It's not as good as yours. :3 Axel: I look DAMN good in a tuxedo. Don't I? :'D Ah, the old days <3 I have never forgetten them. It all started, with a cube. *Shot* Then the KH and FF characters would come in for the party. x3 (Yerp.) Xehanort: I HAVE to find those kids. Me: O_o Didn't Cloud have Tifa, Aerith, and possibly Yuffie? I couldn't tell completely with her. Lightning coming in would be hilarious. Once he sees us, he's jaw will drop. Hopefully we will get the good stuff with Birth By Sleep >:3 I didn't think I could do stuff like that. I must've learned it from you <3
You just being there with me is nice enough <3 D'awww. Don't other people just love how close we are? Got the PMs, reading now. :'D *Glomps back again and hands plush dolls of Axel and Reno* Sugar cube <3 Thankies :3 If they met, they'd be a perfect match. Tifa'd be so jealous. Nomura is just great like that, too bad with Kingdom Hearts he confuses us all D: <3 Choregraphed? Ohoho. I didn't know it'd be good enough for that word. *Shot* I can wait. I'll be busy reading yours <3
I still have a closet filles of VHS and casset tapes.. >_> *cracks up* God that made laugh so hard. xDD
Ah okay. You can just add me if that would be easier. xD ElfenLied1337 I usually play Call of Duty: World at War or Rockband 2, but I also have Soul Calibur IV, Gears 2, and a few others. =P
True true! Haha, ahhh I just couldn't pass this avy up. I still have the tapes from WAY back then. xDD
D: It was alright, just had dinner with my step dad's parents and my family. Nothing much other than that. You?
I hate that so much! That happen to me the other day. I bought a Paramore CD and I find out the hard way that it was all scratch some how.. It was new.. when I bought it..