I thought that word looked weird.. Stupid Spell check. xDD Yarp. Hahahah, we're getting ahead of myself. Sounds good. xD
My Friend. She had a account here but gave out to much information and had some stocker. D: DestinyStar. I met som coll people there. But not as cool as me. xDDDD I want some now. ;_;
There's no worries. I'm Catholic, and I'm just now getting in to my religion. :o Oh why thank you. xD As do you. <3333
I went to pier 39 and all around the city and I watched the Transformers movie in Imax yesterday. You?
It so issss~ Your so lucky!! I've been into it my hole life but my family isn't much into it. I<3 The Beatles.
Yeah, I was in Lake Huron which is like drinking water most of the time but the beach we went to today was just... bad. The water had deep trenches so it felt like you were walking on deep wet mud out there. >.>' And aww, that's cute. xD
Lol~. God your so lucky. My mothers side of the family is into this kida thing. But my uncle just gave up on it. /:
xD Haha, I wish I had an acoustic. Mine sounds weird hen I play it.. but maybe because I'm missing my high E string. xDD I see what you mean. xDD I've always wanted an Ales Paul. D:
To much water.. xDD o.o Yush I do. =D I don't have an electric, I own a nylon... uhhhhhh.. **** *gets guitar* xD