O_o Remember when they were stuck with the crazy dog? Quad Wield Ultima? Holy sh*t on a f*cking sanwich that's powerful and epic! O_O =3 ^-^ "Maybe I did! >:|" Fools will be fools. <3 I dropped on the floor when he did it! XD Boredom = Pwn't by Zeo and Julia. O_o Must've been a very sad song. Sleep = Good :3 A bit strange o_o Been having headaches lately for some reason. I'm fine now.
Nothing really.Just thinking about the plans for my wedding still.Wanna Rp again?Have you thought of a name for yourself?
HUMANLY? THAT TURNS THEM ON SEXUALLY! DX He has such awesome hair! Dual Ultima > Boredom We would probably have to make the bosses strong if you do play as Sora with Double Ultima. Yay! :3 NOWAI SRYSLY? YAWAI SRYSLY. I mean, it's just not fair sometimes. Now THAT is a true statement! "What in god's name is he doing?" "I believe that's the worm." No Sleep = Epic? Good to hear ^-^ Boring = It's taking over the planet! Meh, I'm fine o-o We didn't have to babysit but I was pretty friggin tired so I went to sleep earlier. I didn't do much but watch some Tales Of The Abyss stuff. How are you right now?
Well ok.I say,our adventures will do.The Title is, The Epic Adventures Of Sonic and,what will your story name be?I gotta go,so tell me,and I'll jet.
Well,we could have either this,you and me go on an adventure,or we go back to fighting Riku with epic scenes and lines?Or,anything you suggest.