Lawl xD NO WAI! You know alot of peoplez O_o I'm jeally :3 The word Epic is completely Epic it's self! OMFG S0 DO 1! TH3Y'R3 S0 R41NB0WY. You shall (: OMNOMNOMNOMNOMN OSHIIIIII- MIX MASTAH ZEO IN TEH HIZZ HOUZE! I might have too >_> I dunno.
OH THANK YOU! It's not real music, it's idiots going on about nothing, adding music in the background to look "Cool" ._. O_o WHAT? *Explodes* I might have to deliver tis Fanfic to him D< NO FORKIN' WAI. I wanna be him now :L Epicer than Epic it's self! TH4T S1Z 1Z B3TT3R TH4N M&MZ. ...Aw well....OMNOMN. HELLZ YA! I LIKE TAT NAME! <3 The RP is getting some massive post o_o I might ask to move it to RP extended :3
I hate rap DX I wanna stab people in the face for it :L NUUUU....WAI.....How many companies? O_o Game tester, GAME TESTER? I WANNA BE ONE! TT^TT Same to you! :3 I'd always be your friend/Little Brother. SRSLY SRS G00D C4NDY. OMNOMNOMNO- My jaw hurts D: That's it! I'mma abuse it! XP
Yea its pretty fun Annoying thing is that you have to stay active all the time, or else you lose track of the story lol
You won't imagine how many idiotic Rap music lovers were in my class. O:< FOR FREE? NO WAI ON A STICK WITH A PEANUT BETTER SAMMICH. How'd he get them for FREE? DX We'd be the most poplular kids :P NO WAI! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMN. I might abuse it for the Fanfic music xD
XL Yet, they can play music at the fullest volume....I wanted to kill them all D: OSHI-NOFORKIN'WAY. R U SRS? I would've stole the 360 one xD O_O I'm not even that much of a Game addict! D8 *Corner* We'd rule the school! :P Most certainly my dear! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMN. Awkward Justice is now my favorite Battle theme xD
Hey Julia!I seved my lunch detention,and I have another one.God dammit!And,I have 131 rep,two other people rep'd me now.Jeez.
Your welcome (X YA SRSLY. They barely knew their way around youtube. Morons. JAPANESE 360? DRAMADRAMADRAMA. I plan to get a 360 after Tota from saving :3 What consoles does he have? Lawl....I wish I was there. I would've said "WE'RE NOMIN' ON SUM SKITZ, YOU HAVE NONE :P" OMNOMNOMNOMNOMN. :E
One of your epic qulialites o: Lucky...At the school I used to go to, every single person in my class was a idiot when it came to Posting or Instant Messaging. Most certainly :3 Their skits are hilarious. I want a 360 to get this game nao! xD Yuri and Estelle make it funnier. Lawl. DID YOU GO; ONMONMONMONMONMONMONMONM 8D
My god that's alot. O-o Who's with you in instant messager? I'm talking with you. :3 Watching some Vesperia st00f. I'm-a noming on some skittlez....ONMONMONM :E