Me: You can't have jacksquat. They're ours, ALL OURS! MWUHAHAHAHAHA! I'm still dofl xD Yeah, I mean it sounds so much cooler and can be sad non-seriously. Can you imagine him saying Commit To Memory without being serious? Yes I would indeed 8D (Oshi- The scouter broke o-o) 2_8 Doflmao! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMN It is...Nom. *Nibbles on Ear* :E Phew, Good to hear. I guess I'm not too used to it since I don't have it alot. Hellz ja! U 2 phail! Spelling: ... Grammar: ... ...I screwed up. Axel: W-Wait a minute! Lexaeus: He's right....GET DEMYX IN HERE! Axel: WHAT? Demyx: You called? 8D Xemnas: We need theme music. Xehanort: Hit it baby! Demyx: Boom Bam! Axel: ....o-o Ych >< But wait, How did you forget them? Didn't you sleep in your room? I hope ou didn't fall. I'd die if it was serious DX Morphine shots? OSHI- I think I'm totally worried now DX You promise? Okay, But I'll still worry regardless for your health and safety. Mario Kart on Wii? Who did you pick? O-o Who did your friend pick? Found it, FOF Changes. PWN'T Sword Dancer 2 with Radiant Howl but I forgot the Ion extension xD
are you still letting him cheat? because from what i saw on silvers page yesterday while talkin to nova doesnt look good * crosses arms*
Cubey Cubey Cuuuuuuube. Neither will I 8D Hide and Seek is now my favorite skit. After a Month I found her melon joke xD Axel: You can have that one! Roxas: Hell no! Axel: Why not? Roxas: It plain sucks. With a capital PHAIL. I could go for over 9000 bowls >D 7_4 <- Double Number? Dofl. xD SHUR D03Z. 0MN0MN0MN I see, I hope it gets better DX Plus, At first I actually didn't like it o_o;; Grammar: Now I'm messing up my gremmur! Spelling: You're screwing up! Grammar: FU- Lexaeus: Am I invited to this rape feast? Roxas: O.o Xemnas: Hell yes! Get Vexen! Vexen: You called O sexy leader? Roxas: This is why I left the Organization. Where were they? D: I can't believe you had to hop on your foot >< Did that make it worse? ): Surgery? Oh no! >: I hope it isn't TOO serious, even with surgery ;_; None? Maybe tell your doctor? He/She might give you something better. I'm still worried about you ;_; But I'll be happy if you want it. My day was pretty much TotA all day xD It was good. Yours? Yerp, Got Everyone except Natalia at 30.
Yeah,Kyle's here.He says hi.And that I could kill you in Brawl.I kicked his ass!I am the real Sonic!!Muahahaha!!I could kill your brother too.
Hey Julia!I've been trying to call you a million times.Is your cell phone on?i'll call you instead.I'm on one of my buds cell phones.
<3 Now all we need a sugar smiley and we'll always remember every conversation xD REJECT, DRECK, REPLICA, Asch, Who gives a hell? You decided not to be Luke anymore D< Axel: You need a catch phrase though. Roxas: Oh hell no. Axel: Maybe Lover boy? 8D Roxas: I thought that was your second one. Axel: It is. It's also as good as brands of sweetness! :'D Lawl. x3 1_1 <- One Eyes. xD D03Z 1T T4ST3 AW3SUM? It's so good, it's chefy 3: Yay! Grammar is phailing baby! Grammar: ;_; Axel: I do not! It's rape! RAPE! Roxas: It's not rape, I bet you ask for it. Axel: ...T_T Sorry for replying so late. You're in pain again? Where? D: I wonder why they aren't working. What kind are you taking? I'm fine ^-^ Can't find Natalia or Ion though, Stupid Daath D:< How do you perform a Arcane or High Fonic Arte?