Stitches? In the part where it was swelling? O_o I'm always caring for my big sis <3 I am NOT looking forward to Nebby on Very Hard, She'll kick my ass straight through. Especially with Indignation. What time excatly did you leave? I couldn't live if I was bored DX Lol. Thanks. xD my usertitle when I get premmy is "MINE! ALL MINE! MWUHAHAHAHA!" Pretty good, Gone through a serious thrashing from Arietta on Very Hard. Sword Dancer on just hard. I swear he raped us so bad it was almost funny. Yours?
That's awesome! <3 I'm glad you're okay. No more pain? D: Pretty good, I actually got to my Second Playthrough :3 Might have to go to a Third one to get EVERYTHING xD
Oh,cool.So,uh,how was your day?I got out of school early today and yesterday.But I had this history test today,it was hard as hell!