I still haven't gotten my name change yet.I wanna be Shadow god dammit!Can't do nothing around here.*punches the wall hard and breaks through it*
Nothing you'd understand.So don't ask thank you very much.I'm just busy,and something is on my mind that's pissing me off.
hehe *hugs u back* but just incase i turn into a dino, get hungry and might eat u! , a kiss always changes me back 2 human hehe ^^ jkin well actually im not =P
*licks ur face then roars softly, turns bak 2 human* mmmm i would neva dare 2 hurt u =P i was just trying mean, guess im no good ^^
Yay!Cookie!Thank you.*eats cookie*Ok,now I'm better.Look at this.A video from the guy who does the ya know what's bull**** videos.He has over 200 videos,and game reviews.
Oh,it's 10:03 here.Well,I'm doing ok myself,just watching Youtube videos,and **** like that.Having some Crunch Cereal,yep.I like cereal.