Well yes! Clearly the Beatles are the only music that should ever be heard ever by anyone anywhere at any time. Therefore, any other sounds are simply an interference. B| *Shot* I know! I mean you really need to be epic to make the drug and sex craze of the 60's even stronger than it already was... Oh hohoho, drug-y the sex... 8D
xD *Holds up pistol to crickets* Clap damn it. B| Yea, just about. Most of them were teens in the 60's, so they are obsessive... well a couple of them are. xD My friend went to see Ringo's band a while back and I was like "What the hell? Why was I not informed?" D< Oh Jesus, the LSD song. I remember my dad explained the whole back story to that song to me and I was like "Shiiiiit, kaleidoscope eyes? Marmalade skies? These guys must have been stoned 24/7... and I love it." B|
ALL HAIL CAPITALISM. *Claps slowly* xD I was just thinking "OSHI I wonder if she knows if there's a Beatles song with her name." Yea, my uncle named his daughter Michelle, and I'm still debating if he did it just because of that one Beatles song. I love Hey Jude and Let it Be. Those are nice mellowing out songs. I also like Sgt. Pepper and Maxwell's Silver Hammer just because of WTF it is. As well as many others. 8D How about you?
Oh duh.Hahaha.You know what I mean't.Hey look.Eggman.He wants to kill you.Do you want e to kill him? Eggman:Ohohohoho!!Look who we have here.It's Sonic and Julia hanging out together.I think I should kill one of them.I'll kill the girlfirst.Then I'll kill Sonic.
Uhh,no I am not.Why would I wanna make my buddy fat unless I'm some witch that wants to eat you.Yeah right.Anyway,also,have a apple.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
>D Oh yes I- *Notices FBI* It's truly fulfilling to buy music and see the music industry prosper. B| That is epic. 8D I got introduced to them through my dad, too. I've become a tad... obsessed. I wrote an essay on them for U.S. history. xD