Dammit!I did.Oh crap.Well uhh,I must think of new ones then.Hahaha.I just remixed Seven Rings In Hand.It sounds awsome.I did both versions.There are 2.Yay!
Allright then.Here it goes. Ya know wat's bull****?Penguins?WHy do so mnay people love em?I mean,they are so cute aren't they?Not!!!I hate em.I mean,why so many movies about em?Like Happy Feet,Surf's Up,all of that bull****.Penguins suck turds like Cartman's mom does.That's bull****!
Well,that's what people call me.I'm serious.Badass.I consider myself both.But I'm not gonna gloat about myself ok?I never do that.But,do you feel like talking about bull****?Wanna hear one of my famous rants?It's a good one.I'm serious,a good long one.
Well,what can I say.I'm still badass,I tried to go without fighting as long as I could.But,meh,I wanted some fun.I fought 2 guys in gym over some bull****.Haha,I showed them.
I dunno yet.How about,uhh,school?How much it sucks.I had lunch detention again.Bull****.It was with my history teacher.
No I mean't you with the whole we don't have much in common thing.We never talk about anything interesting.We need new topics to talk about instead of the basic stuff.
Yeah,and I think your boyfriend is mad at me.He started it.Oh well.When you get the chance.Talk to that guy for me.We do not have much in common anymore.There is nothing to talk about.