ah, college. how much work getting piled on you? D: glad to hear you're alright was wondering if i'd see you again myself xD
i've missed you waaaay more i'm okay lol how are you? it has been forever. i've just been jumping from place to place really. you?
8'D i would say i fly kites and think of you but i haven't flown a kite since i was six feelsbadman ;n;
Yes! Catherine indeed. c: You should totally check it out. It's one of the best games I've played in...Well, a long time.
Well that's good to hear! I have been simply working on my internship and as sad as it is, nothing really new or interesting has happened... I kinda feel like i'm in a rut, it's strange. I sure do hope college won't be like this... But i am glad i have off on Monday, it will be nice to have another day to receive much needed rest.
Hey Ariel! (I dunno what to call you, your username is too long and im too lazy to type it hahaa!) Anything new in life? D'you start college yet? (I don't remember if you told me when hahaa!)
Hey is it ok if i put your quote: ---------- peek a boo i see u ---------- in my sig? It really makes me smile hahaa!
Sounds good~ I'll make you a wallpaper if you tell me what you want it of haha. I already made sabby an iphone wallpaper so why not. @_@ i'm going to bed now though, so goodnight.