It is quite a lot of fun, very messy and very dirty but also great. I have always wanted to visit America myself :3
I have three jobs, one of them is working in a clothes shop which is where I was tonight. I also babysit and I am also an archaeologist. I live in England :3
Oh good :3 that has got to be helpful having a parent who is a nurse. I am pretty good thanks, how are you?
D: you should be resting, are you drinking enough fluids? Lemon tea is good when you have the flu. My name is Kayleah, pleased to meet you Julia =)
From all the times I've told you thnigs.This is one I refuse to tell you.Don't even think I'm gonna sya that I"m leaving here agani cause I'm not.
So Julia. You have a Dare right? They are supposed to be pretty unreliable. Oh well. I hope you find a good phone next time. :kiss:
Ok then.I"m doing fine really.Just a bit bored like usual.I'm going to go in a few minutes,so see ya tomorrow.