Feb 15, 2009
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Jan 13, 1996 (Age: 29)


Gummi Ship Junkie, 29

Sorry for disappearing again, guys! I really need to stop doing that. :P Dec 24, 2012

    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It's okay, I just checked with him. Here's why:

      Gearfrieds effect will only activate if Kunai being equipped was the last thing to happen. This won't be the case because the entire chain needs to resolve before anything can happen. Gearfried misses the timing.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      No I don't think so.

      And wow...You must be really pissed at me for misinforming you earlier...

      I can tell because of how you keep ignoring me and aren't saying anything like: "hey don't worry about it that's okay Jaden everyone makes mistakes"

      Joey, Please listen to me, I swear to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I DID NOT intentionally misinform you. And if you truly don't believe me then I really don't know what to say...
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Level and Rank are not the same thing. So Exceed Monsters cannot be used as Synchro Material.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I think it's because it doesn't have enough time to become an Equip Spell. Once again, Sorry for accidentally misinforming you earlier. You can go ahead and yell at me if you want to...

      What if you use a level 2 Tuner and an Exceed monster to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron?
      That's still treated as a Synchro Summon so no.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yeah your move was illegal. Kunai with Chain doesn't have enough time to resolve. Sorry for accidentally misinforming you earlier. I'm in a better position to answer questions you have now.

      And about your earlier question:

      No, Exceed Monsters cannot be used as Synchro Material. Because Level and Rank are not treated as the same thing. And this also means that Level Limit Area B and Gravity Bind will not affect them.
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Don't mention it. Just the fact that I've been able to help you is thanks enough. I may have said this before, but I'll say it again: You're like a brother to me, Jaden. The brother that I've always wanted.
      Seriously, This is probably the very nicest thing that anybody has ever said to me, ever...

      I won't forget this Joey.

      Yeah, I know! I really want to see that! Also, on the subject of the God Cards, I was pissed when Joey passed out in the duel against Marik in the anime. If he just made Gearfried attack, he would've won AND he would have Ra in his deck! >_>
      Yeah, I kept thinking about that...

      I was surprised at how well he fared against Marik. He came so close to winning it was unreal...

      And it was because of that one thing right there that you just mentioned that some people believe that Joey is actually better than Yugi and Kaiba.

      And you know, I think I might actually could believe that after witnessing that Duel...
    7. Droid
      Hmp, you think you've got what it takes Wheeler?

      I accept your challenge! You go first, luck based cards are fine, I trust you'll be honorable.
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You may find this hard to believe but outside of the Duel Arena I am the worst Duelist that you can possibly imagine. Unless I can use my Elemental Heroes I am HORRIBLE. I often find myself getting my ass kicked by the weakest AI/CPU opponents that only have 3-digit skill points.
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      The Duel between Yugi and Kaiba is really epic right now isn't it? The only way it could be better would be for them to both summon their signature Egyptian God Cards.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Wow...Joey I don't know what to say...

      I never thought I was truly capable of making anyone happy...[IMG]
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I may have said this before, but I'll say it again: You're like a brother to me, Jaden. The brother that I've always wanted.
      Do you seriously mean that Joey?
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You know, I guess I really should be thanking you for how good a friend you've been to me...You've always been there for me and stuck up for me no matter what when nobody else has. I feel horrible that I haven't thanked you for it till now.

      You and Carly are the only family I have...You're the only ones who I feel truly care about me...
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Joey, I am the only Premium Member here who gets this kind of disrespect and crap from people. I'm sick and tired of it. There must be SOME reason for it. And I already found it infuriating enough that I have to deal with people disrespecting and betraying me in real life. But NOW I have to deal with it over the internet too...I'm sick and tired of it. I am seriously afraid that my sanity is at stake here...

      Brief change of subject: I was wondering, Were you really being serious when you said I'm the 2nd best Duelist you know? I am by no means advanced. Any real competitive player can beat me.

      Styx is better than me, Zeonark is better than me, And Slaughtermatic and Red are WAY better than me...Hell, Even the new guy is better than me. And I'm sure Yusei could beat me too if he tried hard enough.

      Seriously, I should not be on that Leader Board at all...

      And you know something else? Dueling here hardly even makes me happy anymore now that people have started doing things like stealing my strategies.
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yeah, Basically that...
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Once again, I'm getting more disrespect from people...And this time it's people who are my friends...(Go to my profile and you'll see)

      I seriously don't understand what I've done wrong but you know maybe I really should just leave this site before I cause anymore trouble...
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I felt bad that I was always so cheap whenever I dueled him. Fortunately I'm not like that anymore. It's a good idea to give newer players a chance. You can't just beat the stuffing out of them or it might cause them to lose interest and not want to join.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I know you've seen me hold back alot against various people but I only do that when I'm Dueling against somebody who I KNOW doesn't really have much skill. Someone who I know won't think of any deadly combos or ways to counter what I have planned. This is just a kind of battle-sense that I've developed from years of training.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yeah, I was gonna say this is technically your fault for holding back too much.
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      He's definitely close to Zeonark's level if he isn't quite there...
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      He's amazing! He appears to be at Zeonark's level!
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  • About

    Jan 13, 1996 (Age: 29)
    Childern's card games.


    Tick-Tock goes the clock. He killed the hound and mocked her.
    Tick-Tock goes the clock till Sherlock leaves his doctor.
