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Dec 12, 2011
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Home Page:
7th grade


Merlin's Housekeeper

Keyslinger was last seen:
Dec 12, 2011
    1. LARiA
      Yes, an online friend. Have you ever wanted to meet an e-friend offline?
    2. LARiA
      I was jesting earlier, the weather here bores me. No variation whatsoever, nearly the same every single day. No seasons. Just hot, humid, and boring. Bah, humbug!

      I have a good friend in California, have been trying to meet her for some time now. Parents aren't keen on the notion of me meeting her. Cannot meet her this summer, trying for next summer. If my parents do not relent, then I plan to go on a hunger strike; cease eating, at least in front of them. I can be stubborn in such situations, when people intervene with what I want. Yeah, well, they would never let me starve! I hope.
    3. LARiA
      In the mood for mingle chitter chatter, then?

      Well, the weather out here certainly looks... beautiful. Florida here.
    4. LARiA
      Could be mistaken, but I thought you were not in the mood to chat since your reply was very brief. Mental blockages, that - as in, nothing coming to mind, little to say in response. Mind goes blank, you struggle to find something to say. I get those frequently.
    5. LARiA
      As do we all. I have come to the stunning realization that I am not alone in this, no one is - perfect wording is impossible.

      You seem to be a bit unreactive at the moment, by any chance do you experience mental blockages? Lack of things to say on a given topic, little content. I am in flux between being overly verbose and terribly brief. My last few posts have been ridiculously wordy, sure that you have noticed that, for I just realized that my replies take up quite a bit of space on your profile (just a tad embarrassing)...

      If you're not in the mood, initiate conversation when you are. Don't like to force people into things.
    6. Final_Ian997
      Ahhh........ Well, mine is not Kyurem but it is close.
      "*Who's That Pokemon?*"
      "*Its Zekrom!!!!!!!!!*"
      That was the thing from the old Kanto and Johto plus the new Unova!!!!!!!!!!
    7. Final_Ian997
      K............ So what is your fav. pokemon?
    8. LARiA
      I might not understand a lot of the things you say, why? I can identify with that, though possibly for a different reason (as you left that open-ended). For me, I have a thought that gnaws at the back of my head - the thought that most of what I am saying is not being understood, for I believe that I do not articulate myself properly. It could just be me, just all in my head, for I tend to ruminate and overanalyze much more than what is probably healthy.

      Genderless as in without feminine languages or qualities. You do not strike me as particularly masculine, nor do you strike me as feminine. I usually assume the androgynous to be males, mistook you for a male because you were androgynous. Don't know why I single females out, slightly biased there. Then again, I could be offward; these are merely first impressions, I hesitate to pretend that I know you, for I do not.

      Care to say anything else? If you need help, here's a base to kick off from - why do your offline/online personas clash to such a magnitude, why do you think you act so differently offline/online. Big contrast between how you act in person to how you act behind the screen.

      See, I like what I'm getting here. Far more sincere, that's good. Wasn't expecting you to crumble so easily; you came off as unnaturally stubborn, yet you didn't put up much of a fight. Brittle, I would say. Much more to come, I hope. It is a start. And as for altering yourself depending on who you are dealing with, I admit to doing it myself often. Not at all recommended, you should be yourself. Vocabulary means very little, content is what should be sharpened and focused on. As long as your point gets across, it's fine.

      Not sure now coherent that came out, I am tired at the moment. Apologize if it was poorly worded. Articulation frustration!

      Guilt now, for I completely forgot to mention anything about myself. No contribution on my part yet, sorry about that. Will get to that later, if you want. Hopefully I don't give off the impression that I am refraining myself. Later.
    9. LARiA
      And with that, have fun. Try not to knock yourself out.

      Cluttered in spirit or mind...? By ambiguous, that is not what I meant. Perchance I am misinterpreting what you said, and if so I am sorry. Or, I made myself unclear; possibly the latter, oh well. You came off as genderless, as do most of the prepubescent. Puberty at 10, somewhat unusual. More on that would be welcome, if you so desire it.

      This is coming out as far more impersonal than I would like it, my rigid diction stresses even I. So, without further ado, let's delve into our selves. If you are having trouble doing so, then you could always start with, hmmm - what are you like in social situations? That would be a worthwhile start, I think. Hapless as it is, however, I do not know you at all. More on me if you wish to hear it, but I am not going to drone on to an unreceptive person. The cue, and I will start whenever you are ready and willing. You're coming off as rather stubborn at the moment, and I fear of having my image construed wrongly. A strained voice, I must make myself better heard.

      I am a bit of a stalker, browsed through some of your conversations. You tend to adjust yourself based on who you are speaking to, is that right? That means, if you are tense then it may be a reaction to my demeanor. Bangin' my head against a wall five thousands time, in compensation for this.

      My age is widely known on this site, primarily confused as an older man on other sites. Psychology forums, mental health forums, and the such. Rest assured, I do not speak in pretty pink on there. Just cannot help myself with these lovely fonts, and what's more, they are readily available for use...
    10. LARiA
      I can figure someone's true intentions out just by one conversation with them.
      I want to see if there is a but a shred of truth behind your boastings. I want to see, I want to know. So at that, let's chitchat. By any chance, do you have a knack for psychoanalyzing? You do, don't you? Read me.

      An edit on short notice, pardon me, just happened to skim through your profile; two things in particular struck out, your age and your gender. I find it noteworthy to remark on those, your gender especially. See, you tricked me. Thought you to be a male, turns out that was a misconception and I was wrong. Could be that I haven't seen enough of you around, hence why I went amiss with that conclusion. You came off as male - due to your age, maybe. Young, aren't you? 12. Haven't yet reached puberty, I don't think. Children are equivocal, ambiguous - probably reason for my mistake.

      And as for your age, well, I am 13. Often had people accusing me of being a 30 yr old man impersonating a 12 yr old girl, and how off they were. If you are ever accused of such a thing, don't take it to heart.
    11. Final_Ian997
      It's ok. On the LOD (Land od Depature) I sent the Friend Request.
      And sometime I will look your profile! XD
    12. Final_Ian997
      Oh, now I sent the request and I signed-up for Serebii and Pokecommunity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Give me your names and we can chat!
    13. Final_Ian997
      Nice. I'll send a friend request now! (Yay, finally I am not the only pokemon fan here!)
    14. Final_Ian997
      Ha. XD, well, one thing I am pretty navie too. Not so gullable.
      No, but I am going to join Serebii. I am geussing you play pokemon right?
      Oh, but this a nother forum I am on:
      If you join we can talk there! (I have pokemon pics on there). Nice to meet your True Self. :)
    15. Final_Ian997
      Its ok.
      I am not so new, i geuss. I have been here for about 1/4th of a year.
      And your welcome.
    16. Final_Ian997
      Hey, nice Sora drawing!
      So how it going?
    17. MisterGrieves
      Yeah, I'm new on here as well. I figure I would try to make some friends on this forum since that's what everyone encourages us newcomers to do, I guess. :P How do you like the forum so far?
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