Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2024
Aug 1, 2007
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Local Time:
9:32 PM
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Girl ️‍⚧️
May 27, 1993 (Age: 31)


[ENvTuber] [pngTuber], Girl ️‍⚧️, 31, from College


Δ Feb 1, 2020

KeybladeSpirit was last seen:
Aug 11, 2024
    1. Terra254
      Happy Birthday, mate!
      Despite a lot of things your probably one of my favorite prem's,Just because your witty :P.
    2. Amaury
      Happy birthday, Gommu!
    3. Dinny
      Oh? Better? xD
      Yay then!
    4. Dinny
      Haha, no problem and that's good to hear!
      No, I'm from Asia! I am from the Philippines n _ n
    5. Dinny
      Hello~ It's currently already Sunday for me so I just want to wish you a very happy birthday! n _ n I hope you're doing well c:
    6. axel-chanviii
      Ummm... No. No no no no no.
    7. axel-chanviii
      And now it's Nightflame_On. I refuse to explain myself.
    8. axel-chanviii
      I have Johnny! And he's.... an idiot. Also, my twitter is now Dorkflame... People took all the cool names like Darkflame, Nightflame, Nightfire...
    9. ShibuyaGato
      lol, it sounds brilliant (though that last line tripped me up for a while and I was like "isn't that Nine?").

      I know that feel about abandoning fanfics though, man. Between the Holmes Legacy, my KHV fanfic, both my Doctor Who fics, my Doctor Who/Sherlock (RDJ) crossover attempt, another KHV fanfic I tried to start and those two Avengers fanfics I tried to write, I've blown through quite a few
    10. axel-chanviii
      Aww. Well, I'll be okays tonight.
    11. axel-chanviii
      I was but then stuff happened!! And I thought you were asleeps <3
    12. ShibuyaGato
      Neither do I. Well, at least that problem's fixed now.
    13. ShibuyaGato
      How in the hell were we not already friends?
    14. Korosu
      Nope. PC only. Jelly as a Kelly?
      Why use me? ;_;
    15. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Maybe it did. I don't know. I hope everything works out, and I helped a little.
    16. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      I understand exactly how you feel. When you love someone, you forgive them more easily, and you always have a soft spot for them. I'm sorry for the "getting attached too easily" comment because I wasn't aware of the rest. You have the right to feel the way you do, but the reality of it is that if she is avoiding you she probably isn't thinking about it like you are. She probably isn't taking your feelings into consideration which is really sad. I really hope that she answers just so you can tell her how you feel about her not calling you back. And getting mad at her would be the healthiest decision. Moping around staying sad over what could have been is a definite don't, so you're taking a step in the right direction!

      And you could always just rep a post of mine. To be honest I don't care about rep that much anymore, and I'm helping you because I like you and I want you to be happy not because I want rep haha. :]
    17. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Don't take this the wrong way, but I think when that happened you attached yourself to her way too easily. I guess I've always eased into relationships (yano instead of just jumping in based on that one occurrence), and stayed on the cautious side, but it obviously didn't mean as much to her as it did to you. Here's the thing I've learned about people: if someone digs you, they act on it. You acted on liking her by calling her, and trying to meet up with her and stuff. The truth of the matter is if someone really wants to go out with you, they won't play the "let's try this out and act like friends thing" At any point when I started liking Max thinking of him as just a friend or acting like he is just a friend actually made me sad.

      I wouldn't hate her if I were you. I'd just give her space. Perhaps she's going through something or just doesn't want a relationship or something. People get weird. A week isn't THAT long. If it continues then I'd start thinking like "I'll find someone just as good if not better" (don't compare everyone you meet to her though). If I were you I'd wait for her to contact you. You don't want to seem desperate or something.
    18. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Wait, so you guys were best friends, and she broke off the friendship? Or you were dating?
    19. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind

      ...Oh! Sorry.

      I was distracted by the awesomeness of your new avatar. Ghost Trick is amazing. x3
    20. Plums
      Hello! If you are receiving this VM, it means you have not chosen a God/Goddess or chosen whether to study/go to bed in the Velvet Room.

      The story is about to progress quite a bit, but I need that information first before I can move it along. If you can, please post as soon as possible! Also, if you do wish too drop out, just message me back -- I don't bite much >:3.

      And thanks again for playing! :D
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  • About

    Girl ️‍⚧️
    May 27, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Past Usernames:
    The Dream Traveler
    Default Name:
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