Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2015
Mar 24, 2010
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Local Time:
6:00 PM
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Awarded Pins 2

Mar 1, 1996 (Age: 29)
Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
Wolf God


Merlin's Housekeeper, Male, 29, from Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom

KeybladeMasterJoe was last seen:
Aug 11, 2015
    1. Korosu
      Hi, I'm alright I guess. Yourself?
    2. NightofNights
      Aya:*happly plays patty cake with Joey*

      Not much anyone can do. Anyone but myself. My plan is to finish school and get the f***k out of there as soon as I can.
    3. nasirrich
      Windy-*Snuggles on you a lot more and sneezes a bit shaking some what. Her forhead is starting to get hot.*

      (Errr Joe its Costa Rica remember. Unless its a pit stop.)
    4. Roxas&Sora4E
      Eh, its not that bad.....
      Just really numb...XD
    5. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- Sorry...
      Shen- It's alright, I won't do it again
    6. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Shen- Heh, I got him good, huh Senshi
      Me- that again and I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget...
      Legna- Oh come on now Charonus, no need to be mean
    7. Roxas&Sora4E
      Theres this girl at my school named Lexie... (loooong story) but anyways, she wanted to fight me and I was fed up with fighting her so I said no... Without me knowing she quickly cut my arm with a pocket knife...
      Then this week she was being all big and bad, I ignored her so she ripped my stitches...(I usually take the cloth off to breath my arm out) thats how I have 10 pairs.....:/
    8. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- The spell must of took a lot out of him
      Shen- *falls to sleep completely, his dream self appears next to me* Don't worry, all my body needs is rest
      Me- O_o, I thought you were still a dream
      Shen- Nope, I'm my own person now
    9. Roxas&Sora4E
      Your just all troubled up arent you...:)
      I have 10 pairs of stitches in my arm....>:/
    10. Roxas&Sora4E
      Nothing much really....:)
      How bout you?
    11. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Kohaku- No problem
      Shen- *starts to doze off in the chair*
    12. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Kohaku- Alright, I guess you two can sleep if you want, I'll have some rooms ready for you soon
    13. Roxas&Sora4E
      awwwesooommme.....:D lol
    14. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      *the light subsides revealing Shen and Senshi*
      Kohaku- There, the spell is complete, how do you two feel?
      Shen- A little dizzy...I need to sit down... *he sits in a nearby beach chair*
    15. Roxas&Sora4E
      I have to make another one...:D
    16. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      *the spell starts to have a greater effect, making the doubling more pronounced, then a big flash of light appears*
      Me- *covers his eyes*
      legna- *does the same*
    17. Roxas&Sora4E
      your welcome....XD
    18. Roxas&Sora4E
      YAYY!!! XD
      See? I did my job...:D
      lol, feel better...:D
    19. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      *the spell starts to take effect, making it seem like there are two of them at times*
      Me- Whoa...thats interesting
      Legna- said it
      Kohaku- *continues the spell*
    20. Roxas&Sora4E
      Hmm, I gotta do my job....

      *girly voice*
      Be happy! Yayy!! Lets be happy! Gimme a H! Gimme an A! Double ppy!! *jumps and spins* yaaayyyy!!!!