Last Activity:
Dec 6, 2021
Sep 27, 2006
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Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 32)
Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.


You're such a loser., Lord, 32, from Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.


What is life? Why do people live? Someone asked me that, and then I beat him within an inch of his life. Nov 7, 2012

Jiηx was last seen:
Dec 6, 2021
    1. Fork
      Uh, what? >_> Can you give me an example?
    2. Fork
      Oh god definitely. Did you watch that 10 minute Portal super speedrun? That **** is crazy.
    3. Fork
      Hm I still need to play SH3. I've been putting that off for a while since I have so many games in my backlog (And more coming my way).
      But yeah, TBF do complain about it a lot, but their complaints are pretty valid.

      And duh FFIX is one of the best games ever no contest.
    4. Fork
      Nice guess xD Yeah I'm watching the Two Best Friends. I've been watching the Let's Play since it began, and I honestly get VERY excited each time I see a new part of their Let's Play. They're just waaay too entertaining. I almost never watch Let's Plays, unless I'm sure I'm never going to play the game.
      What did you think of the game? Do you regret buying it?
    5. Fork
      Yeah I understand xD Watching let's plays is extremely fun. Like I'm watching a pretty entertaining (still being updated) let's play of SH: Downpour.
      Did you end up finishing that by the way?
    6. Fork
      You could just emulate it >_> It's really not that hard.

      I never got to play it as a kid :c
      *had no childhood*
    7. Fork
      Back. Feels good to exercise man, but I'm pretty exhausted.
    8. Fork
      I never watched that, is it good?

      Anywho gonna go biking for a few hours. It's a really nice outside and I don't want to ****ing waste it. Expect me to be dead when I get back.
    9. Fork
      Oh, I've been planning on watching that. The second one is even better apparently, so you better finish it today >_>
      And yeah, nowadays a lot of movies rip off the Evil Dead movies, and when they say that the movie is paying "homage" to them, it ends up being terrible @_@
    10. Fork
      You must use hax.
      Yeah I don't know. I haven't played DMC3 in years. I'll probably need to pick up the HD Collection soon.
    11. Fork
      o: Tell me how you do.
      I'm putting my money on the bosses though
    12. Fork
      Yeah people do that all the time, for the most random reasons. I don't know, maybe they're looking for a certain post of yours or something?
    13. Fork
      Guy: I need you my love
      Girl: You didn't come to me earlier, since you were too busy playing Call of Duty, so now it's too late.
      Guy: Oh alright then I'll go back to it.
      Girl: No! Wait!

      I've seen that joke too many times before >_>
    14. Fork
      You're such a noob Vivi.
      But yeah no some bosses are actually pretty hard. Most areas are just trial and error. If you screw up a certain part, you'll learn from your mistakes.
    15. Fork
      Jesus man, now you're making me want to play the game >_>"
      Are you playing it on your PS2 or did you get the HD Collection? I assume it's the latter. If so, how does it hold up?
    16. Fork
      Well some of the other styles are useful on harder difficulties, but yeah, Trickster is much more fun >_>
      Enjoy :D
    17. Fork
      I know right c: I might stick with this one for a while.
    18. Fork
      He's had this huge crush on you since you came back. It's pretty obvious.
      You should let him down easy.
    19. Fork
      The pictures says:
      "My mouse is at the corner on the top right"
      "I'm clicking and nothing happening!"
      "It's not working!"

      I cringed at the lameness.

      And yeah, Haley's cool lol.
    20. Fork
      Makes me want to de-rep you now >_>
      I think it's moreso the older members are use to your personality, compared to the newer ones.
      Who was the old member that repped you?
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    I come and go, i'm a blade of grass on the wind, if i'm around say hi, if not don't worry about it, I'll appear somewhere, usually when I'm needed, more likely when I'm bored, this is my curse, this is my destiny.


    When all else fails you can still die fighting.

    GT: Crimson Azoth PSN: Azure_Azoth Steam: CrimsonAzoth
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