Sep 30, 2007
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January 3
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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      There you go~ Now for bed time. You almost missed me by a few seconds xD later<3
    2. Mish
      fffff so sad that Zero to Hero is a duet roulette and that I wasn't picked out for it. xD
    3. FuzzyBlueLights
      ffffss I'm leaving now.
    4. FuzzyBlueLights
      Did you mean weird boy clown? Or weird boy who cried in the library?

      You can't do that that's not fair. Tell her to stop cooking.
    5. FuzzyBlueLights
      Thank you for clearing that up. But I didn't cry, so I can't.
    6. FuzzyBlueLights
      Lying Pierrrrrrrrrrooooooooo. ;V; I had to stop mah tears. Or people would think I'm that weird kid that cries at the library.
    7. Glen
      Sorry if i'm a bother but in your graphics shop, you've edited the post so that it says you're not doing requests. Then in the actual menu thing, you've stated that they can have a signature several times o.o it's in a couple of the bundle things. Little confusing :P
    8. Excasr
      Hey Jayn!
      I have a lot of the chorus on my computer, I have been downloading them since the beginning. XD
      So if you need anything from them, say so. I'll keep them saved on my computer.
    9. Glen
      Oh so anyone that wants it can get it? That's an awesome idea!
    10. Glen
      Can't exactly remember but do you have a list of people that want a copy of the album?
    11. Chevalier
      Jayn I need to pass something by you.
    12. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Thanks for the update
    13. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hey i saw that your in charge of the KHV chorus, i wanted to suggest a song. If thats okay.
    14. Scruffy
    15. FuzzyBlueLights
      Okay. I'll be leaving soon.
    16. FuzzyBlueLights
      :x Need anything from the store?
    17. adamboy7
      Well, there actually is. If you can figure out who hired your killer you are allowed to hire a Deadpool to kill that person. However, that does not apply here. It was another Deadpool that hired me, and a Deadpool can't kill another Deadpool.

      You may look further into it here <---
    18. Krowley
      Hello Jayn.
    19. Fork
      Naw lol. It's technically my last class of the year, but I have finals starting next week /sob.
      And d'aw :c Maybe he was just angry at something else, and snapped at you. It happens. There's no reason not to talk to him. It's Fuzzy.

      xDD. I'm not that talkative in real life, I'm somewhat shy actually. But sometimes I just feel like I really need to talk to someone, ya know? Or else I end up talking to myself like I'm Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

      There they're all jealous of our special KHV time. Damn normies >:C.

      Lol, night Jayn. It was nice talking to you while it lasted xD.
    20. Fork
      Jesus everyone and their mother just suddenly logged in.
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  • About

    January 3
    Home Page:

    【 ♥ BASICS 】​
    Skype: LittleJayneyCakes Tumblr: teenaqe-vow.tumblr.com Twitter: Twitter.com/LittleJayney

    【 ♥ PERSONALITY 】​

    I'm painfully shy, affectionate, sarcastic, and a massive dosage of emotions and derp. I over use emoticons so people don't think I'm upset or being blunt. I get my feelings hurt easily, but don't hold things against people very often.

    【 ♥ FAVORITES 】​

    Ib (Game), Disney, Vocaloids; Kagamines, Gumi, SeeU, IA. THE INTERNET. Black Rock Shooter, InuYasha, Clannad, Miyazaki Films, S'mores, Macaroni and Cheese, Gum, Crystal Kay, BEAOTRICHEEE, Miyamoto Shuichi, Purple things, Kagerou Project, Tumblr ... etc. ASK ME.

    【 ♥ HOBBIES 】​

    Anime! THE INTERNET. Music. Composing, writing, choruses. Singing. Voice-acting...Anything creative. Role playing, drawing, graphic and video editing. All of the wonderful stuff. I sing on YT a lot. I'll most likely never be /big/ but, alas. I love doing it.





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