The universe,it's so pretty :0 I have company over,my annoying neighbors;they are telling bad jokes.D:
haha xD now that's gross..cheesy and dirty but can't fight the curiousity can ya? STOP NOW THEN >D did ya listen to it?:3
C: Okay! I will be patient. Tourist trap?o: haha he was curious xD d'awww Ohoho..Americans and their drinks. Bl You should listen to it D: it made me cry like a baby..seriously.. ;_;
Whoaa really? ooooohohoo I wanna see! D: <3 lawl it DOES taste like medicine! I'm with your mam xD you grew up with it? haha no wonder you like it alot. d'awww xD " If I fell" makes me go all always does.
hahaha xD at a motel! but it was clean so not to worry right? YAAAAY FLORIDA!:'D wax museum? oooooh how cool! <3 any cool waxed celebrities? Awww nice but guuggghhh ew root beer xD I hate it! D: awwww <3 they have a couple of songs that make you go all sentimental..the beatles forever!
I'm sorry about before. I was just really pissed. I just felt it was an attack, but I need to just stop taking stuff seriously.
That is actually the colors I am making my room,neonish. Except with blue and stuff. :b I was waiting for you to take it farther. Because black,white and red is so much better. :v I thought you were serious though.