May 7, 2011
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Jun 17, 1994 (Age: 30)


King of Conquerors, Male, 30, from Texas


Believe you can and you're halfway there. ~ Theodore Roosevelt Jun 19, 2014

    1. Mysty
      Hey, you have a new buddy in KH SOS, It would be very much appreciated if you posted in it.
    2. Krowley
      He's moving only the World's timeline further into the futue.
      1. Iskandar
        ok, so I can meet the others right away, that's fine. Right now I'm on a different computer, so once I get back on my laptop I left the tab open with what I typed, so I can just submit from there
        Aug 24, 2012
    3. Krowley
      Kross chose a Rabbit
      Leo chose a duck.

      Examples; Deer, Rabbit, Skunk, Possum, Raccoon, Turtle, Owl, Squirrel
      Basically, if it was an animal on Snow White, it's good. Just try to go for one of decent size.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Iskandar
        I'm making the post right now. And on a side note, how would you like me to go about this? Do you want me to take a while to find the other people, or look for them in the first post?
        Aug 24, 2012
      3. Krowley
        Your call,
        Aug 24, 2012
      4. Iskandar
        Also, if those two were really sent forward through time, than does that mean my character can't come into contact with them? Or is it just that the world itself was sent forward through time and I'd end up at where they are?
        Aug 24, 2012
    4. Krowley
      Unsure, his player is sort of dead space for the time being.
      I might take over his character until the end of the world's storyline.

      Decided on what Animal form you wish to take?
      1. Iskandar
        check out my second post, which is also only my second post in the whole thread, considering I have no idea how to get myself going in this when no one is going
        Aug 22, 2012
      2. Krowley
      3. Iskandar
        that's....weird.....I know I posted a second time so why isn't it on there? Well....whatever, it's not like I can't post again...still, I'm not 100% sure on the animal. Heck, I can't even think of all that many animals you could be in a bambi world. Mind giving hints, besides the usual "deer, rabbit, skunk..."
        Aug 22, 2012
    5. Krowley
      Currently, It's Winter.
      Kross and Leo (Played by Starseeker who left the site) are currently talking to Bambi and thumper.
      I updated the first post so you can read what's happened.
      1. Iskandar
        if Starseeker left the site...who's playing Leo?
        Aug 22, 2012
    6. Krowley
      Well, best to go to LoD first so you can equip blend.
      Then to The Great Forest whenever you feel is best.
      1. Iskandar
        I have to ask, which of the NPCs are you controlling? I'm betting Eraqus and Yen Sid, but are you also controlling all of the villains and other important/non-important NPCs?
        Aug 19, 2012
      2. Krowley
        To ensure control, yes, I take control of villains, Allies, and other characters. Only person you have to worry about is your own keyblade wielding character.
        Aug 19, 2012
    7. Krowley
      I thought you were going to the Great Forest :/
      1. Iskandar

        let me switch that. I must've been paying no attention when I typed it and thought I typed something else.
        Aug 18, 2012
      2. Iskandar
        Anyways, should I make a post in the RP for the LoD and heading to the Great Forest? Or do you want me to wait for something
        Aug 18, 2012
    8. Krowley
      The ability is learned at the Land of Departure, and I've placed the scanner beside the giant book so anyone can learn blend once they've reached the Land of Departure.
      Equip it in the Guild hall and you can go the The Great Forest.
      Also yes, you can choose the animal (Must be a woodland herbivore)
      1. Iskandar
        "Must be a woodland herbivore"

        well that just kills some fun. Alright, I'll do my first post later today, once I'm done with work. At least, long as I don't die from boredom and a slow day, like yesterday
        Aug 18, 2012
    9. Krowley
      The story you need to know is in the first post. I ask that you join that world because there is a very low activity count there. Normally I would let you choose, but the other worlds have hit a queue where I would prefer if newcomers could join the Bambi world.
      Controlling yourself in an animal form is not that hard, just think of it like a Woodland Forest version of The Pridelands.
      1. Iskandar
        I can at least choose the animal I get to be, right?
        And actually, I do have a question. When I start I would post with my character being at LoD and then going to Woodland Forest right? But wouldn't I need that Blend ability? As far as I know that ability is only on the people that were around when you first came up with it
        Aug 18, 2012
    10. Krowley
      No worries then.
      Anyways, you've been pre-approved, so feel free to sign up when youy can.
      My only request is you join the "Great Forest" world. It's based off Bambi, and no one has really disembarked there.
      Would that be alright?
      1. Iskandar
        well, the only problem I'd have with it is that I don't remember Bambi that much, and I also don't like it that much, so it would be hard to me to figure out exactly what to do....And I'm not entirely sure how I'd control a character that's an animal
        Aug 17, 2012
    11. Krowley
      I see, do you have an example of roleplays you've been in?
      Also, everything that has happened so far is in the first post. Important threads and rules are in the first post as well.

      This roleplay utilizes Both roleplaying and turn based battles, so you level your character to gain more abilities to use in battle.
      1. Iskandar
        umm, I would give you the thread's link, but I don't know, I can only tell you I've been in quite a few of Boy Wonder's, like his "Greek Mythology" RP, and Plums "Red Velvet Room"(or whatever it was called), and a few others that are probably way down in the RP list that I'm not even going to bother looking for.
        Aug 17, 2012
    12. Krowley
      There is certainly room. The roleplay hasn't advanced that far, so accepting OCs still.
      I have a few questions before you sign up though;

      1) How did you come to find this Roleplay?
      2) Are you an experienced roleplayer?
      3) Do you have any questions/concerns?

      I'll let you know more once you've filled out those few questions
      1. Iskandar
        1) Found it while looking at the "What's New" section
        2) I've joined a few roleplays here and there, but they keep stopping for me to get anywhere with them (haven't you been in quite a few of the ones I've joined?)
        3) Only what the events that have taken place are, considering it's already 50 pages in
        Aug 16, 2012
    13. Iskandar
      Wanting to watch a movie, but must get up early for breakfast shift. Decisions, decisions
    14. Terra254
      Okay then...
      ; ;
    15. Terra254
      So naturally, that makes you leave us?
      ; ;
    16. Terra254
      Hhheeeyyy BBY.

      Where have you been lately?
    17. ClawtheCyclops113
      thank you for accepting my friend request
    18. Llave
      Message for you in the Premium Postbox!
    19. Mike
      I'm not sure. I believe Sabby would be good with answering that.
    20. Jayn
      I don't think that you picked anything, so I need you to. A render. Bakarenders or this site has some.
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  • About

    Jun 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Past Usernames:
    Ryou Misaki
    Defender of Light
    Blond hair, sea blue eyes, about 6' 1"

    video games, manga, piano, art, watching Nostalgia Critic



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