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Feb 21, 2019
Mar 25, 2007
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Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
In your breadbin
To give everyone a hug.


((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>, Female, 30, from In your breadbin



Ienzo was last seen:
Feb 21, 2019
    1. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I get off today for about a week in a half ^^

      Yay! Ienzi loves me

      I'm writing a KH fanfic and I made Ienzo the bro of one of my two ocs. That was only cuz of you you know ;p
    2. ShibuyaGato
      Yeah, it'd be better if you didn't. Oh god... I'll have to look that up on my own at some point.

      lol, did you burn his eye with my app? And you probably didn't see the gif. CLICK THE LAST WORDS!

      Oh god... I had nightmares for like a week on The Mist alone. Stephen King is going to be a bit out of my league for a while. says the girl who's seen let's plays of Amnesia: The Dark Descent

      Neither, it's for my college level class.
    3. ShibuyaGato
      ...they sing... through sex...
      I thought the only time that ever happened was when men try to be sexy by singing Barry White before getting in the bed O_O

      ...ah, I could never hate you. Though your actions are a different story. I'm watching you...

      I think it was called The Mist or something like that. It was just... I loved until it was all blood and death and stupid people who went out to die and the ending... THAT ENDING WAS JUST MESSED UP!

      Yes it is. So much is happening in April, though most of the stressful things in school are also happening either this month or right at the beginning of May...

      Alright, that's fine. I just have to finish a little bit of English homework~
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Neither did I... except for massive basketball players. Oh well, he's still quite tall and dashing. And you would say that about the sex scenes~ x3

      ...after our chat, I'm not sure of anything anymore. Anything except the fact that you hate me and my apps. ;~;

      Oh god. Frankly, I think one Saw movie is enough for me. Once I saw these two movies (one based on a Stephen King novel and the other by M. Night Shyamalan) and they were both just so awful... I couldn't sit through them without having nightmares and freaking out over terrorists... ;~;

      Also, tomorrow will be a great night for Skype since my teacher moved that huge project to the 20th. That also fans that I'll pretty much be free this whole week.:D
      Sure, it's now due two days after my birthday, but at least I can truly celebrate tomorrow's glorious occasion (RDJ's birthday <3)
      EDIT: I'm pretty much ready whenever you are.
    5. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I is very good ^^ how is you~

      Yesh Droid made it <3 how I love Droid XD

      Ohh Guess what?
    6. Llave
      Oh ok lol. Your ideas are probably far better. Thanks for pitching it for me.
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Well, the specials and the confidentials are always great. Oh god... he's huge, and DT is so good at lip syncing! I LOVE IT!!!

      Oh, thank god. I was afraid you'd be awful and hold it over my head like you do with my apps.

      Oh god, I've heard things about Saw, but that just sounds... oh... I'm getting sick just thinking about it.
    8. Llave
      You have to sort it out? Did a huge brawl ensue in the staff section over it? D:
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Oi, get on Skype. I'm done with the Biology! XD
    10. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hey Sissy ^^ hows the UK?
    11. ShibuyaGato
      Well, it's like a teenage impulse to stay up late when there's nothing to do. Ah, which series (or were you crying your eyes out at End of Time)? It's always tomorrow's job. Use me as an example of what you shouldn't do, because that is a prefect use for me and my awful habits.

      Oh god, I will be looking forward to that... just don't start off with the video of me licking Sherlock (no, that's best saved for later). >:3

      Gah! A-are we really going to start with Saw? (emotional stability of a three year old) I'd speak to you... maybe it'd take some time, but I would.

      Yes, I must! We can go together! >:D
    12. ShibuyaGato
      Oh, it's fine. You went to bed at like four (and now you and DT are on equal terms), so I understand getting a late start on the day. yeah, because you'll never stay up past eleven tonight (lol, Eleven)

      Oh yes! Plus, who can say no to this "adorable" crybaby fangirl? :lolface:

      Oh god... I've yet to be, er, "christened" in the gore... you'll have the honor of doing that in a few years, I promise you. :3

      Very true. Seriously, I want to go to England so badly. I want to go to the Doctor Who convention (I was stalking the DW tumblr page for gifs and saw so many fans meeting everyone and a Judoon) and hang out with you as we take a trip to the eye because you CAN get there in fifteen minutes by cab! >:3
    13. ShibuyaGato
      Hey, you wanna Skype around eight?

      It'll pretty much be the same thing as usual~
      EDIT: My mom said she's heading home around 4:30 (like 9:30).
      DOUBLE EDIT: She says she'll give us permission to talk (permission for Skype during the week? WHoo!) when I finish Biology.
      Brb, doing this pointless lab and report in ten minutes like a boss~
    14. Llave
      I meant to say The Promise Pin in that PM. If you could change that, it would be lovely.
    15. ShibuyaGato
      Amazing? Gee, I don't know about that... o///o Still, I'm sure you'll do great.

      Whaaaaaaaaaa-? (no, Ashwin will not be a part of this)

      Well, we always have next week... And maybe Friday can be the day that we convince your sister to convert to the RDJ of RDJude. :lolface:

      Cool. Well, I'm a bit sensitive when it comes to gore, though the jump scares might be what get me the most...

      Yeah, sure. I swear you and DT are both awful about going early...
    16. ShibuyaGato
      >Tell yourself you're going to bed early

      >Still up at 3:30

    17. ShibuyaGato
      Don't worry, I will... though I can guarantee you it will be colorful. XD

      Well, it's not like having certain tastes is a bad thing.

      Well, what did my app ever do to you? Seriously, how do you justify such behavior?

      Ah, I see. Though I probably couldn't handle a scary movie like Fright Night, I still love seeing the gifs and quotes online. Still, this week is going to be incredibly hectic in terms of work until Thursday, so you may not see much of me during that time... god, our schedules never seem to be perfect, do they?

      EDIT: Oh look, here's the video on Youtube for you.
    18. ShibuyaGato
      If you want to Skype later, I'll have a bit of time in like an hour. I just have to wash my hair and stuff~
    19. ShibuyaGato
      Yeah, plus I might have this next Friday off as well, so if you've got free time we can coordinate and stuff. Still, I've got my share of stuff to do, so it may take a while on both ends.

      Oh don't worry, I will... in fact, I think cheek hair will now be a requirement for all of my men. >:P

      Well, at least I don't burn apps.
      I burn staff induction threads X3
    20. Plums
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  • About

    Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    In your breadbin
    To give everyone a hug.
    Past Usernames:
    Ienzo, Perry, The Doctor, River Song, Vashta Nerada, Nova is sexy, ЅherӀоck, Dr. Frank N Furter, Clara Oswald, Spiderman, Twelve
    I'm a nerd who decides to come on here every now and then to procrastinate. (I think I typed this when I was like 14... it amuses me so I'm not changing it) In fact, why dear user are you wanting to know about me? Come and talk to me to find out who I am! >:3 Or go study, as that is probably what you should be doing right now.

    Yes, I have many interests

    CatKat 5EVA TO WIN THE WORLD! >:3

    *licks disk*... while not in California


    "Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung."
    Avatar art link | My Deviantart | Youtube
    Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd) | 2017

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