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Feb 21, 2019
Mar 25, 2007
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Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
In your breadbin
To give everyone a hug.


((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>, Female, 30, from In your breadbin



Ienzo was last seen:
Feb 21, 2019
    1. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      They have no 'honor' in spelling things correctly! Think they'd appreciate us conquering them and all, and giving them this glorious language, but noooooooo....

      I feel... excited, a little worried, but overall glad to be on the team! :)
      I can only hope to get into the job swimmingly, and do my best. A little embarrassed at editing your post by accident, I'm gonna have to watch what i'lI do from now on more. But yeah, i'll get more excited soon I think! :]
    2. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      We shall teach these vagabonds how to properly use the English Language!

      Thanks Ensy, i'll do my best and ask you what to do if I don't know what i'm doing. So that'l be soon! : P
    3. Mish
      Soon all staff meetings shall be conducted at times that suit our timezone, and scones, crumpets and tea (and hot chocolate!) will be served in our honour! Also, I guess haggis and croissants for Claw and Fork respectively..

      And thank you. c:
    4. ShibuyaGato
      lol, it's never bad when P comes to mind. xD It's alright, I know you're exhausted (because I am too). Ah, that makes much more sense.

      Let's do it! xD

      Yes, hopefully I shall. My darling Ten-inch is always worth shedding a tear~
    5. ShibuyaGato
      lol, I know, right? Still, this was the bottle and the part about enzymes was what stood out the most to me (I didn't just focus on the urine aspect of it). xD lol, wat? :lolface:You lost me right after assertains.

      Oh god, yeah. Still, it'd be fun to try and work around the lag... yeah, who am I kidding? I'd just rage like I do in Portal. xDD

      Ah, I see. Well, there is an online version of Halo and I'm sure that we would be able to play (and do an audio call on Skype so we could have a ton of fun). I've played it before and I'm... well, I'm not too bad.
    6. Twilight Sparkle
      Twilight Sparkle
      I think Ienzo was better
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Oh yes. Lots and lots of them. X3

      Well, they can make things dissolve (like today, I saw a bottle full of enzymes to help remove pee stains from carpet and thought of you xD). You're always right here inside me, keeping me alive... by breaking down my food so it doesn't just gush out of my arse. XP

      Or better yet, we could Skype stream. :lolface: I would gush over all the sexy men and you'd just laugh at me (though I'd be okay with this).

      Gear box? For a second there, I thought you were a 360 gamer. XD
    8. Daxa~
      To be or not to be, that is the-/shot

      Loving the new name dear. Very classy.
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Oh yes, of course. ALL the rabbit turds (because I will finally have the time to do so)!

      Oh, it was fairly simple. Besides, how could I not know all about the Enzymes after our endeavors into procrastinating on my big Biology projects? :lolface:

      Yes, though I could probably find a copy for you to stream or something.

      ...the one that has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and R on it. It's what isn't automatic.

      Ooh, Tennant in education is always brilliant. <3
    10. Llave
      Oh goodie, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for someone else xD

      Doing pretty good. Finishing up Korra episode 6 now and then gonna mow the lawn. A rather nice Saturday I must confess.

      Good luck on your exams. And goodness gracious. How can you not be good at English? D: You speak it. Unless you don't like writing essays and such.
    11. ShibuyaGato
      Hello sweetie~

      I know things are tough for you, but since it's Saturday and you had the time to strike up a convo with good ol' Mr. Pond/Gillan, I figured a bit [more] of RDJ on your profile might brighten up your day/week/month/etc.
    12. Llave
      Good golly British Hawt-Mama, I miss our most amazing conversations. We haven't talked in a long time. (Llave btw in case you couldn't tell :lolface: )

      How are things going for you? School almost over?
    13. Korra
      Thank you.
      I will disagree on that with you though, it's not really drawing at all. I did ask Misty about it and she said Illustrator work (unless it's drawn) belongs more in the main graphic art section. Kind of like if you make an abstract tag using elements you make yourself, even though it's all scratch done it's still more graphic than traditional.
    14. ShibuyaGato
      Well, I would only do it if you really wanted to sit there and watch me draw it. xD One day, we will hang out, I swear!

      It was alright; a lot shorter than I expected and there were plenty of questions about enzymes. xD Lucky, I just got to go back to class. And I also finished first. Cool! It's good to know that things are finally winding down.

      Exams... Grr. Well, when you go and finish them, you'll get to enjoy all the smexy RDJ~

      Oh yes we do, though my dad drives a stick shift.

      Ooh, you've gotta love it when he's Scottish in a role. Also, I agree with that statement about it being impossible for him not to be sexy. :3
    15. Korra
      Aw, thanks. Sometimes I do, or at least parts of it if I'm doing complex original characters, other times I'll look at screenshots from whatever I'm messing with and go from there.
      But thanks, I think I prefer simple pieces to complex ones, haha.
    16. ShibuyaGato
      Babe, you know that I’d love it if you took a 15 minute cab down here to scold me. I’d ride back with you and we’d hang out irl and make all of KHV jelly with our sexyness and rabbit turds~
    17. ShibuyaGato
      Ah, I see. Well, good luck on that then. At the moment, all we're really doing is reviewing everything for the test on Tuesday (though the next class is on Tuesday and we'll be leaving to the computer lab after the first fifteen minutes or so of the class).

      Oh, I think he'll know that. xD

      lol. Yes, it was good. And given how much money it's making, it'll probably still be out at the end of May (I remember Sherlock Holmes was out for like a month and a half).

      Well, they act like idiots on the road and accidents do happen more often than they should.

      Well, here's hoping that we pass.

      D: Oh well, I don't mind him without cheek hair so long as he stays sexy~
    18. ShibuyaGato
      Ah. Well, it's fine. We'll have our time soon enough. Well, we haven't learned too much about them (there's a mention here and there but nothing major). Yep, and I have my big Biology test on Tuesday. Wish me luck.

      Oh yes, Fearless is totally up for it too. Now all I have to do is ask Llave, though I doubt he'd complain.

      Oh, we would just be all awesome an fangirlish. It... was... BEAUTIFUL! I just came back from seeing it a second time and my god. I was squealing through every RDJ scene last night (and I nearly did again today).

      Wow... no wonder the drivers in America are so stupid (for the most part). If it were like that here, the roads would be a hell of a lot safer.

      And I'm sorry if I don't get on much in the next week. I have a lot of stuff I've gotta prepare for...
    19. Fork
      Well in all fairness the French tend to stereotype the English too. We are old enemies after all. But I think you guys overdo it xD
      I guess we're just an easy target, heh.
    20. Fork
      But I feel like people would hate me since I'm French and all :c
      And our baguettes are better.
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  • About

    Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    In your breadbin
    To give everyone a hug.
    Past Usernames:
    Ienzo, Perry, The Doctor, River Song, Vashta Nerada, Nova is sexy, ЅherӀоck, Dr. Frank N Furter, Clara Oswald, Spiderman, Twelve
    I'm a nerd who decides to come on here every now and then to procrastinate. (I think I typed this when I was like 14... it amuses me so I'm not changing it) In fact, why dear user are you wanting to know about me? Come and talk to me to find out who I am! >:3 Or go study, as that is probably what you should be doing right now.

    Yes, I have many interests

    CatKat 5EVA TO WIN THE WORLD! >:3

    *licks disk*... while not in California


    "Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung."
    Avatar art link | My Deviantart | Youtube
    Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd) | 2017

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