Hiro ✩
Dec 28, 2010
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Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)

Hiro ✩

Guardian, Enby, 28

    1. Aelin
      Yes but after getting the game I realized that this is going to be the longest month of my life, lol. I had to try to explain to my dad today why I was buying the game now when I don't even have a 3ds. Luckly the girl at ebgames helped back me up.
    2. Karuta
      Awesome. Well, I'm gonna go to bed now, its 5 am here xD
    3. Dark_Ruler_Riku
      Thanks for the help on that. How many LOZ games have you played?
    4. Aelin
      No I totally understand, as I said I do that kind of stuff all the time
    5. Karuta
      Haha ;P I'll stick with Ryuk and Saix as they both seem like a fairly easy roll to play.
    6. Aelin
      It was a mistake no big deal, you just got distracted with your girlfriend that is all.
      I have done far worse for no apparent reason. I will have whatever, homework or something in my hand, put it down for a sec to get my backpack out and forget all of it at school or whatever. Then usually I am stressed the next morning to get it done. This is just the easiest example I can think of, I have done plenty of other things like that.
    7. Karuta
      Right. Uhh I don't have much of a choice here...Ill go with Saix?
    8. Karuta
      Oh, right. Uhhhh, Kairi then. (Is it ok for a male to have a female character?)
    9. Aelin
      Oh, and why are you feeling stupid?
    10. Karuta
      Hmmm...Ill take Namine
    11. Aelin
      Hey, how are you?
    12. Karuta
      Can I have Ryuk?
    13. Karuta
      1) Hmm. I don't really know.

      2) Well to be honest i've never eally "role played" before. I just thought I might give it a try and see if I like it.

      3) Whatever characters are available.

      4) Yep

      I just thought I'd give this a try. If you don't wanna deal with a newbie that probably sucks at this, it's fine ^^
    14. Beucefilous
      m'kay. make it so you don't forget.
    15. Beucefilous
      Made a DN account?
    16. Umi
      You don't bore me, I just hate waiting.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Your next lesson is Priority:

      Priority can be defined as "A player's 'right' to be able to activate his/her effect, ensuring its spot on Chain Link 1. Priority does not allow players to automatically activate and resolve effects without a chain; it simply assures a card's activation (not resolution), and guarantees a place on Chain Link 1. How the chain resolves is up to the players.

      Priority tells you who can activate an effect at any certain point in the game. Note that cards never have priority'; it is the players who have priority. The Turn Player always starts with priority.

      Example 1:

      Player 1 has a face-up "D.D. Warrior Lady". He Sets a "Bottomless Trap Hole" and ends his turn.

      Player 2 Special Summons "Chaos Sorcerer".

      Player 2, now being the turn player, says he wishes to retain his priority to activate the effect of "Chaos Sorcerer". "Chaos Sorcerer"'s Ignition Effect then activates, targeting "D.D. Warrior Lady". "Chaos Sorcerer"'s effect is now Chain Link 1. Player 1 then activates his "Bottomless Trap Hole", since the Special Summon of "Chaos Sorcerer" was the last action to have resolved on the field. "Bottomless Trap Hole" is now Chain Link 2.

      The chain now resolves in reverse:

      * Chain Link 2: "Bottomless Trap Hole" resolves. "Chaos Sorcerer" is destroyed, and removed from play.
      * Chain Link 1: "Chaos Sorcerer's" effect resolves. "D.D. Warrior Lady" is now removed from play.

      Always remember that Monster Effects, unless they specify otherwise, can have their effects resolved without being present on the field.

      Example 2:

      Now take the same scenario, but instead of "Bottomless Trap Hole", we can use "Book of Moon" as the example.

      The resolution of this chain works as follows:

      * Chain Link 2: "Book of Moon", targeting "D.D. Warrior Lady" resolves, flipping "D.D. Warrior Lady" to face-down Defense Position.
      * Chain Link 1: "Chaos Sorcerer"'s Ignition Effect tries to resolve, but since his target is now face-down, his effect disappears, because "Chaos Sorcerer" can only remove face-up monsters from play.

      Example 3:

      Yet another example of priority can be seen in this example:

      Player 1 ends his turn with a face-up "Mystical Elf" and a set "Trap Hole".

      Player 2 Normal Summons "Exiled Force". Since "Exiled Force" has an Ignition Effect, Player B can use 'priority to activate its effect, which becomes Chain Link 1. However, the cost of "Exiled Force"'s effect is to Tribute itself. Since costs are mandatory to activate a card (not resolve the effect), the cost of "Exiled Force" is immediately carried out. "Exiled Force" is removed from the field, and Player A's "Trap Hole" will no longer have a monster to resolve its effect for.

      Passing Priority:

      One can pass priority by simply stating "I pass priority".

      Optional Trigger Monster Effects, like "Mobius the Frost Monarch", are not Ignition Effects, so their effect(s) can only be activated when the condition that triggers them was the last action to have resolved on the field.

      Priority will automatically be passed to the opponent if the Summoned monster has a Compulsory Monster Effect, like "Zaborg the Thunder Monarch".

      Priority is also automatically passed when the Turn Player declares an end to any Phase.


      Turn Priority normally cannot be ignored. However, if the opponent has a card that must be activated at a specific time, such as the Standby or Main Phase of the opponent's turn, these cards can be activated even if the Turn Player has no cards to play at that time. If the card is played during the end of the Main Phase the opponent has passed up their opportunity to play their card first. However, a replay can be demanded for any other situation if the Turn Player wishes to play a Chain Link 1. To avoid this dispute, it is etiquette to ask the Turn Player if they would like to play a card during a respective phase (as declining to play a card results in passing their Priority to the Opponent).
    18. mchammer
      when your bday
    19. Lite
      That's true. Poor Freezer.
    20. Lite
      Ah, okay. That just makes it funnier. XD
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  • About

    Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Past Usernames:
    Default Name:
    I like anime, video games, and drawing, I also collect action figures. I aim to be a professional Street Fighter player (currently main R. Mika competitively in Street Fighter V), and a voice actor. My track record with fighting games is extensive. I play King of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Injustice, and Street Fighter! If you ever want a match, my PSN and Fightcade username is ToxicxGears.


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