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Mar 18, 2014
May 20, 2007
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Apr 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
Nowhere, OK
Ruling the streets, while the city sleeps


Kingdom Keeper, Male, 29, from Nowhere, OK

What is this place now Mar 17, 2013

HellKitten was last seen:
Mar 18, 2014
    1. fire mage
      fire mage
      I'm sorry to hear about the war issue. My younger sister has an hearing loss as well and she is completely death in both ears if it weren't for her hearing advice. I don't even know how it even happened.

      Yeah I know. I wouldn't expect you to ignore Vexen though it is funny how Xioimara is treating the poor fool. lol Especially with wanting to draw on his face. Vexen is very bossy.
    2. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      I am goooood... Lol, we already had this convo starter on IM XD
    3. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      D8 Duuuude! :glomp: :glomp: XD

      I hadn't talk to you in like months! How are you doing?
    4. fire mage
      fire mage
      There isn't a rule that you have to attend a church. It is a choice if anything and I guess I can consider myself anthesist in a way as well.

      No, he isnt' scared from that reason. He is actually looking forward to joining the army and boot camp. It will make him grow up, and yes he has gradauted, and is old enough to drink. He just has done some stupid things in his life and needs approval to get in the army and right now he seems trapped with no social life unless someone picks him up. Has no car that he is allowed to drive, no job, and it seems to him that everyone is agaisnt him. He is approving, but my younger sister is jealous of him. So I can live without her being a foul mouthed brat to him at times. (I have two younger sisters so I am not talking about water mage.) He messed up and learns, but so has she. It is how we learn from our mistakes. We make up for them. Yeah I agree that the army will shake out the stress and anxiety which is something he does have . I am sorry about your brother. Although I bet your brother is probably glad not to be in the marines anymore. I heard that being in something that long can really mess up ones's mind or shell shock them. They say that war changes you and I agree because I have a friend's who boy friend is a marine also and he drinks all the time now.
    5. reptar
    6. reptar
      lol that was my first episode! 8D
    7. reptar
      what about it?
    8. fire mage
      fire mage
      *hugs for your support on your life*

      In the revenge of Organization XIII. Sorry to bug you, but Xioimara is the only one who can get Leon back to Radient Garden. Without her he will probably perish if he entered into the corridor of darkness. So respond when you can okay.
    9. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yep I know and he is definity one of them who should. That really sucks on how you are treated in your family. It sounds like to me that you are the victim that they are going after and the scape goat. It is not right at all. I had to deal with religion purposes also and I just can't go back to a church especially when people try to convert you. That was in the past, but even so we still have those mormons ringing our bell and they just won't go away. It gets annoying. That is my problem I don't like to tell people how I feel as I hold things in and once in a while I do get really mad and explode. Yes, I take it out on my family, but rarely try not to people on the forum. I don't know I guess I don't want to be judged. Venting is a good relief, but so are some stress drinks that I have been drinking that is helping as well. Therapy would be a good step, but my brother is going to be into the army and he is just scared so he lets his anger get to him. He so reminds me of the other guy, my younger sister probably will be moving out. It is good for my family because she brings drama all the time. I am glad that you are seeing a therapist. Continue to see her as I am sure it will help in time. My father is not abusive, but I am sure he could be, but he has never brought it out on any in the family. He does have a temper, but he never has hurt anyone. He scares me at times, but he apologizes. Too bad your step father is a prick and you have to deal with him. I hope you have someone else you can trust or turn to at your school because it sounds like you really need someone to help you through things.

      I won't take it personally. I just don't want you to get kicked off . Because there are some mods that don't like to deal with it if they feel it more of a problem. They will give warnings and then after that they can bann people. Just keeping you heads up on it.

      Yeah my sister is very sensitive, I am used to being chewed out, and I try not to take it personal, but I will confront if I feel I have to get my point across. Its called venting and but I see what you are saying about letting the emotion go. I guess I will do. I agree when you are angry and then the anger does leave and afterwards you do feel better. I will take that advice. Hopefully things work out for you.
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yep I know and he is definity one of them who should. That really sucks on how you are treated in your family. It sounds like to me that you are the victim that they are going after and the scape goat. It is not right at all. I had to deal with religion purposes also and I just can't go back to a church especially when people try to convert you. That was in the past, but even so we still have those mormons ringing our bell and they just won't go away. It gets annoying. That is my problem I don't like to tell people how I feel as I hold things in and once in a while I do get really mad and explode. Yes, I take it out on my family, but rarely try not to people on the forum. I don't know I guess I don't want to be judged. Venting is a good relief, but so are some stress drinks that I have been drinking that is helping as well. Therapy would be a good step, but my brother is going to be into the army and he is just scared so he lets his anger get to him. He so reminds me of the other guy, my younger sister probably will be moving out. It is good for my family because she brings drama all the time. I am glad that you are seeing a therapist. Continue to see her as I am sure it will help in time. My father is not abusive, but I am sure he could be, but he has never brought it out on any in the family. He does have a temper, but he never has hurt anyone. He scares me at times, but he apologizes. Too bad your step father is a prick and you have to deal with him. I hope you have someone else you can trust or turn to at your school because it sounds like you really need someone to help you through things.

      I won't take it personally. I just don't want you to get kicked off . Because there are some mods that don't like to deal with it if they feel it more of a problem. They will give warnings and then after that they can bann people. Just keeping you heads up on it.

      Yeah my sister is very sensitive, I am used to being chewed out, and I try not to take it personal, but I will confront if I feel I have to get my point across. Its called venting and but I see what you are saying about letting the emotion go. I guess I will do. I agree when you are angry and then the anger does leave and afterwards you do feel better. I will take that advice.
    11. water mage
      water mage
      Ok thanks for the info, but I didn't think you wouldn't of responded to my OOC post. I'll be careful what I say to you. I was upset and not understanding why until you told me the reason so now I understand. Hopefully things are better with your situation.
    12. fire mage
      fire mage
      Sorry. It was Gatekeeper who kept it up giving me reason to post, and no one was giving me information on why you wanted it to be closed in the first place. Except the Spring Break thing.I thought it was unfair at the time because no one told what was happening. Yes I was being selffish at the time, but I also get left out in the dark alot. I was misinformed.

      I am sorry about that. Right now I have a gradmother who is suffering deal COPD and losing my grandpa a year ago and she is living with us and there is alot I have to deal with this besides of my sister with her health condition. Including doctor visits, hospitals. etc.... So I get alot of drama at my house alot. Not to mention a few days ago my brother threatened to kill himself and my younger sister wants to move out. It alot to handle. The other things that I mentioned are nothing compared to your situation. I totally feel for you. Your Family is very unfair to you and I wonder why your father is being stubborn and that is not right that you have to fend for yourself at such a young age. Families should be supportive and care for their children. You deserve better, but it is good that you still have a roof under your head. Hopefully you can talk to your family and tell them how you feel. You deserve to have your voice heard, just make sure you do it respecfully, because some parents take it the wrong way. I wouldn't want you to get hurt over it.

      No, I am not offended. I actionally understand your reasons now. The thing is I had to deal with a certain situation with a guy on another site had a really good rpg going and he was a moderator, but then things started going down hill in his life and he started taking it out on everyone. H even purposely erased other peoples rpgs. He was banned for life. That is the one thing a mod should never do, take their anger on people like that.

      I am not saying you are like that, I just know that you are upset and unfortantely live in a horrible way right now. You need to vent and I respect that, but I get alot of it at home. It just reminded me of it. No offense. I respect your decision. Please do me a favor though please don't have BYC erased. I really like it and maybe someday in the future if you feel up to it it can be continued with your permission.
    13. water mage
      water mage
      Ok this is one thing I don't understand? For Build Your Cages, how can you and others can cuss and its not blocked out and isn't that a rule that there is no cussing allowed? Anyway all of you guys need to grow up and its sad of what happened, but don't take your personal problems out on us. It's your choice, but don't attack us verbally and personally.
    14. Firekeyblade
      Hey pal. >_>...feeling all right? Blood pressure spike up a bit? XD *pats back*
    15. fire mage
      fire mage
      Geez what is with the PMSing...Hey I am not attacking you. I am just frusterated. Can't you see that.

      I don't understand your reason for closing it in the first place. You were sick before and you let TwilghtNight take it over. So why close it? You are having spring break and That doesn't mean it has to be close becasue of it. People have lives, but that doesn't mean they can't compromise. What's wrong with Xiomara going on vacation for a while?
      Can we talk civilized without having a ***** fit! I think you have another reason.....
    16. water mage
      water mage
      But we have offered to try to help you and keep you posted and give you ideas what to do? I don't understand ok? I'm frusterated and I know you have a life, but you don't do that to others who still want to keep going. If you can't do one rpg then you shouldn't be involved in them including mine. That's the truth especially if someone has offered to help you and you simply refuse. What kind of attitude is that?
    17. water mage
      water mage
      That's to bad you couldn't of just given it a chance. You couldn't of just turned it over to someone else? *shakes head* I'm upset and what ever happens I'm not going to close any of my rpgs that I made just because I couldn't keep up with them. You made a terriable mistake. I would never do that to others who were in my rpg because that is not fair to them. Wow my opinion of you just changed.
    18. water mage
      water mage
      Please keep Build Your Cages rpg open. We're not even close to being done with it. It's not right that other users have to quit because you're thinking about closing it. If you want someone to tell you what is going on I'll be more than happy to just don't make your decision based on majority vote. Democracy is messed up in that respect. All of us still need the nameless organization to attack, Demyx needs to get his sitar back, and what about my plans that I've discussed with *TwilightNight* months ago?
    19. Firekeyblade
      yes......yes it does. >_>....unfortunately. Dr. Manhattan isn't necessarily "human" anymore and can do whatever the f*** he wants, so he apparently didn't find a need to wear anything when around his girlfriend and friends. No this was not in the movie it's jsut me saying it. And I'd be very freaked out if you did go see it.....because it's rated R. And it has.....certain scenes. Buuuuuut....when you're older and more mature....you must see it. Before you die. And know the awesome psychoticness known as Rorschach. ^_^
    20. Firekeyblade
      Fine. I'm still suffering from fangirlism after seeing Watchmen. Rorschach has stolen my heart. :sweatdrop:
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  • About

    Apr 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Nowhere, OK
    Ruling the streets, while the city sleeps



    "The system goes down, the lights blink out and there you have it.
    Another body on the floor surrounded by things that don't mean much to anyone
    Except the person who can't take them along."​