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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:


Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Shiki
      I check on these forums every now and again...
    2. Daxa~
      I find Grell ever so attractive,as I seem to be attacted to men dressed as women.
      And yet I am not attacted to women at all.
      I think I just like seeing men in tight clothes,or skirts. xD
    3. Daxa~
      Not at all my dear,Grell actually wants to be female,so it is good you thought he was.
      Or I think it is good. Maybe. Brain is jumbling everything up again xD
    4. Daxa~
      With my darling Grell? <3~
      Oh my,you must keep watching then. Grell is my favourite in the whole series,and he is in it quite a bit I do think.
      Tell me when you see William xD
    5. Daxa~
      Oh my goodness me,that is ever so wonderful tea.
    6. Trigger
      With an omni-blade? XD
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Which one? Original or GX? I freaking love the GX one. It is SO funny...
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I meant Omni-Heroes specifically, and because of one card: Super Polymerization. Completely unable to negate it, can use it during either turn, and it can take-out your opponent's best monsters without any resistance. Trishula needed at least 3 monsters to work, and they all needed to get up to level 9. Omni-Heroes just need specific attributes, and work with 2 (or more) monsters on either side of the field.

      My friend who plays E-Heroes definitely holds the record for longest duel with my main decks. IF not for my strength in destruction and removal from the field, Rainbow Neos would render my deck useless every time.
      Well it's kind of balanced in a way. You have to have a monster on the field you don't mind losing, something in your hand that's okay to discard, and have the card in the first place. And even though it itself can't be countered the summon of the monster it fused still can. You can just activate a Bottomless Trap Hole etc. on whatever Fusion was summoned. I think that's why Super Polymerization isn't Limited or Banned.

      I'm waiting for the next format, but I still play with this one because my deck is strong enough to take on most archetypes and play-styles. Its obvious with the current banlist they want to hit Synchros so that Xyz will sell better.
      Probably. Looks like it.
    9. Llave
      Awww yeah. Make it rain.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You mean the Wind-Up Combo that makes you lose your entire hand? Yeah this is why I don't play this game anymore. The kinds of decks we have now are so cheap and broken it's not even funny...It just isn't fun anymore. And the game just isn't the same anymore.

      And about Trishula, well he was a staple in alot of competitive decks. But E-Heroes are very much a lucksack deck. They can be built well enough to be really powerful. But they have to beat their opponent really quickly because if they don't they're screwed, they can't hold out for very long. But their main problem is they're an impractical and situational deck that will only work if it draws right. Hopeless Dragons are another example of this. They have the most powerful ATK Card in the game (The Five-Headed Dragon) but they still aren't competitive. And the summoning conditions for all of their bosses are difficult and impractical. That's why FHD and Dragon's Mirror never got hit.
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I beat Inzektors and Wind-Ups once. Was quite a tough Duel too. I literally exhausted both my entire deck and extra deck deck of Heroes and Fusions.
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I mean exactly what it sounds like I mean. I've stopped Dueling. I don't play the game anymore. Sorry. =( It's been a month since I last played now. I stopped playing sometime last format.

      If you're wondering about my skill level as a Duelist, Well I'm not that great. I'm not a noob either but I'm mediocre at best. Or maybe a little bit below that. I'd say I'm more at "meh" level.

      So anyway, Can I hear more about your career as a Duelist? Done well in any tournaments?
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      They're so epic. They have a Raigeki with Absolute Zero, A beefy Blackwing Gale The Whirldwind with Gaia and Great Tornado, A beatstick with drawpower with Nova Master, A Recyclable beatstick with The Shining, And not to mention they have an unnegateable Mind Control with Super Polymerization that lets them fuse with ANY monster thanks to Escuridao. They own. That's why they're my fav deck.

      Too bad I'm retired now. Would've loved to have faced you on DN.
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Cool. I still love Fusions myself. I love E-Heroes. I don't use the kind Jaden used in the anime anymore though. Those are obsolete and just wouldn't work anymore. I use the Omni Heroes now. The ones that fuse with Attributes.

      Well at least I used to before I retired I mean.
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Thank you for your interest in my arena. :smile: We really do need new players. What's your favorite kind of deck? Mine's Elemental Heroes.
    16. Llave
      You mean a month younger?

      Totally cool! 8D
    17. Daxa~
      I am about as Irish as they get my dear.
    18. Shikou
      Thats great :D
    19. Shikou
      It will be like a mystery at first but after the 5th game the player will understand everything with plot twist hidden under it all :P
    20. Shikou
      Which is why it's also inspired by Silent Hill :P
      It's not going to be all in one game, it will be divided into 5 telling the story of each.

      Basically, Fatal Frame is about a Camera that is given to those with a 6th sense. The camera gives exorcisms to ghost and locks them away within the camera. If you use it too much or become addicted to it the ghost you capture in the camera can possess you.
      Every Fatal Frame game has a different story but that is the basics of all of them.
      In the 4th one there is a flash light that does the same thing.
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Video editing, drawing, gaming




    Fullmetal Alchemansy
    Survival Horrormansy
    Final Fantasy VIIImansy

    • [/quote]

    • Voted "Best Returning Member" of KH-Vids 2012
      Steam - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Playstation Network - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      League of Legends - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Overwatch - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
    • last.fm / youtube / deviantART / BlogSpot

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