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Jul 16, 2017
Feb 3, 2008
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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:


Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Misty

      Thank you. c: We're not really ~fancy~ people, we just went to Applebees haha. Still good though!

    2. Misty

      Uh, I'm graduating tomorrow?

    3. Misty

      We need a new topic then, don't we

    4. Misty

      Totally understandable but sometimes you've just got to push out of that fear.
      I was apparently in a car accident once as a baby, and my sister lightly tapped someone while I was in the vehicle once, but thankfully it hasn't been anything major. I do often having nightmares about getting into care crashes. ;;
      heh yeah, didn't know what more to say haha

    5. Misty

      In my experience, people on the internet like to be bothered with your friendship. That's why a lot of people are on the internet, after all... And even if you are bothering someone, it can be pretty simple to pick up.
      Ahh no I know what you mean, I get really nervy when driving. I freak out and really like to have someone with me in the car, despite the fear that I will accidentally kill them and have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life. :c

      and it's nothing haha
    6. Misty

      Yeah we're not like... best buds or anything either but she is a lovely girl and I would probably say an awkward hello to any KHV member, at least. I wouldn't say many "know me well" just because... hah I am really kind of nuts so really only like two people on the planet "know me well."
      There's nothing wrong with that! I mean number one I totally understand the insurance business, my mom is making me start to pay for mine once I turn 18 and it is going to be a nice chunk of change. And yes, if you don't need to drive then you don't need to drive, no problems there. Plus I am a little crazy about being a passenger in a vehicle, I feel more comfortable if a guy is driving (hah, sexist), but I don't like putting my life in people's hands like that. D:


      (^ neurosis post)
    7. Misty

      Yeah, unfortunately it's similar. Hopefully it will one day happen, though--like I'm planning a trip to Florida this January and I hope to say hello to Peyton. c:
      I can spend a loooooong time shopping but I am fast in stores, and I also go to fun stores (Gamestop etc). So I am pretty easy to shop with, I think, haha. And you've not learned to drive yet?
      Oh come now, it's not that crazy

    8. Misty

      No, I mean primarily money to go to DC to visit one of my internet friends haha.
      I just like shopping and video games a lot haha. I have a car so I need to put gas in there. x_x
      Well, there is also the possibility of both, if she likes you enough...

    9. Misty

      Save money for visiting them, haha.
      I suppose I don't need money either, but yeah, it is nice to have. And I like to help out my mom & all.
      I agree! As long as it comes out good. c:

    10. Misty

      Yes, I am the same way (both things haha). All my good pals live miles away. P: Ah well, something to save for...
      I am very responsible that way haha. But really I just need $$$.
      mmm I do like spaghetti :<

      PS. I always wanted to write letters
    11. Misty

      Oh I know haha, I have never really found people in my area that I got along well with/clicked with. And, if I did, it didn't really last long. :C But that doesn't mean you should stop looking!
      I want to have a new job lined up before quitting my current one, just because I think it'd be a little irresponsible to do otherwise.
      You could always get all three haha. Mega fast food dinner.

      PS. doing what? lol
    12. Misty

      That is so sad. ;~; Come on, there are lovely people out there~
      Ah okie, yeah I work at an independent theater and we're really cheap so we don't do anything like that haha.
      DEAR LORD yes KFC has godly potato things. I've never had Popeye's or Church's, I don't think there are many around me.

    13. Misty

      I am pretty socially awkward myself, I spent a lot of my days sitting around wondering why no one was friends with me, but even if you're afraid to approach people, you should at least keep the avenues of communication open!
      ... what is Harkins ;~;
      I love KFC but oh man do they make me sick. So unfortunately any potential of sexy appreciation would be defeated by trips to the restroom.

    14. Misty

      Well you can always meet new people! Find some that you would want to hold a conversation with, figure out who is best avoided, etc.
      ... what is a loyalty cup ;~;
      That all sounds lovely (except for the ignoring part lol). Burger King is the dream date destination, obvs.

    15. Misty

      Aww well you have to add more people then!
      And yes, it is horrific. :c I don't know where common decency came from like I get if it's just some pieces of popcorn or something but pick up your soda cups. And then when people leave full popcorn bins! I'm like dude why not take that home with you and eat it because that's some tasty stuff there.
      Luckily there are lots of equally socially awkward people out there. You can be their leader. c;

    16. Misty

      I get that same feeling but sometimes you've gotta take the initiative and IM people yourself! I should really take my own advice one of these days ololol
      I don't even get free movies all the time! I have to wait until the movie has been out for a few weeks. 8( Although the free popcorn is nice. And there are huuuuuge breaks in between the films where you're kind of just left standing there and it kills emtions.
      yeah man I'm straight but Asian ladies in general are *u*

    17. Misty

      This is why you should come on Skype more, we can accumulate a collection of awkward five minute conversations.
      It's because working in theaters straight up blows. For real, do not ever apply at one. Take your talents elsewhere. Sell drugs or something.
      Ahhh yeah exercisin' in style. Unfortunately I have never quite understood the waifu concept.

    18. Misty

      when did we get this cool nicknames
      Not very much though, just silently hating my job and reading Harry Potter books. The usual.

    19. ShibuyaGato
      Ah, alright. There's only the one watermark on this one though, the quality is decent and it skips through all the commercials (thank god).

      You will feel all the feels by the time you're done.
    20. ShibuyaGato
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Video editing, drawing, gaming




    Fullmetal Alchemansy
    Survival Horrormansy
    Final Fantasy VIIImansy

    • [/quote]

    • Voted "Best Returning Member" of KH-Vids 2012
      Steam - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Playstation Network - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      League of Legends - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Overwatch - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
    • last.fm / youtube / deviantART / BlogSpot

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