Forever Love
Last Activity:
Jan 1, 2014
Jul 18, 2007
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Shaping my life.

Forever Love

Life Without Limits, from Shaping my life.

Forever Love was last seen:
Jan 1, 2014
    1. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I have faith in you. ;3 You'll figure something out.
    2. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I have no ideas either. xP Good luck figuring it out!
    3. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Exactly. xD
    4. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      We'll wing it. xP
    5. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I'm not sure exactly. xD Just stuff to fix things between them. Maybe discussion on Roxas' life in the Organization. Stuff like that.
    6. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I hope so. xP
    7. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Haha you should have just asked!
    8. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Sorry about that. xP Hope you remember the question!
    9. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      The two of them could get into a small verbal arguement about who would help Sora, but Sora yells at them for acting so ridiculous and just tells them to help him to his feet. And then maybe they would take him inside a cave where he could recover until his magic comes back and he can heal himself. Then they can talk things out.

      That's all I got. xD

      Oh, and after my next post, I gotta go. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow!
    10. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      As soon as Riku and Roxas reailze what happened (which would be right away), they would rush down to assist him. I had this idea that all the female lions who normally roam the area would come around him and growl, knowing that it was the boys who got him hurt. But Sora would make some comment like "they're with me," and they would back off so Roxas and Riku could get to him.
    11. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      They can be getting really rough, and Sora has to cast a cure spell on both of them to keep them from severely hurting each other. When he tries to break it up physically, one of them can accidentally knock him back toward the edge, and he can't keep his balance and he falls. But because he used up his magic, he can't cure himself, even though he is hurt from the fall.
    12. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I shall explain before you even ask. ;3 Roxas and Riku will fight on the ledge before you enter the cave. Where Simba's held up in the air during the movie. xD The other idea I have is for when Sora tries to break them up...
    13. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Um, maybe a month and a half? And since we're doing the Riku fight at this world, I think we should go to the Pride Lands. ;3 They wouldn't be animals because they don't have Donald's magic. I thought of a cool place the fight could take place and some drama to go along with it.
    14. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T clue. xD
    15. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Alrighty, sounds good. xD
    16. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      You may lead. ;3
    17. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I'll be on the computer either way, so I'll be checking in. ;3

      Okie dokie, got it. So we can jump to the point where Roxas remembers the fight clearly? We can sorta just have a few posts recapping Roxas' shortcomings, if you want.
    18. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      So am I. Dx Tomorrow I should be on around 6, I hope. Maybe a little later if we eat out.

      I forget, would Riku and Roxas battle each other at that point?
    19. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yeah. Dx That and a soccer game. Terrific.

      Tehe, good question...Want to do a time gap to whenever we'll lead up to Roxas and Riku's fight?
    20. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yup, it's AWFUL. I'll have another to do tomorrow. Dx

      Go for it. ;3
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    Shaping my life.
    Music, writing, reading. IHeartCreativity. :3

