Last Activity:
Nov 2, 2011
Mar 16, 2007
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Home Page:
Games Design student, part-time lazy bum.


Where yo curly mustache at?, from Location:

Fayt-Harkwind was last seen:
Nov 2, 2011
    1. Korra
      That makes two of us. 8D
    2. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      It's not so much rules as it is explaining how the two worlds came together. The last good crossover that I saw anywhere was one between Kingdom Hearts and Naruto (This was offsite from here though).
    3. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      Quite unfortunate. But at that, those same bad RPs tend to get the members in. It's always perplexed me as to why that is though. I would guess that it's because there aren't so many details to sift through. But that could prove more of a hindrance as the Arena rows (which hopefully it does, as time goes on).
    4. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      It's not so much that they don't follow rules and whatnot. It's more that it gets a bit frustrating to see things that aren't (apparently) totally thought through going up. I've found that the crossover section is the most notorious for it. I suppose in truth, it comes down to a matter of perception and opinion.
    5. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      Reported? Seriously? Dang. Wish I knew who did it (jk). But seriously, I tend to scour around here, even during periods of time when I'm not actually doing anything. And a few times, I look around and just see things that are done with half a heart put into it (not even that much). EDIT: It's possible that that thread like my last one that you deleted was also one of mine. I did make a Sign-Up/OOC thread in the main lobby at one point early in my stay here.
    6. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      I don't really know. It seems like there are a few threads that exist in the RP Arena that aren't much more developed, yet still allowed to have their run.
    7. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      I's kind of funny, in my perspective, seeing as I had tried to pitch the idea of allowing separate OOC threads to have a section for postage.... Needless to say, it got hacked for what I can only assume was no real reason (other than possibly just not wanting to bother with it, or just because I was new to the site then).

      I digress. If I had a cast of RPers set to join me for this, and was collaborating amongst them, yes, I would do it via VM/PM/Offsite/Social Groups. But what I'm doing is trying to get a poll exclusively from RPers to see what would yield the most success.
    8. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      Hence why I put in the RP Arena. It's an RP in the works, which will rely heavily on the voice of the RPing community (should they choose to exercise said voice). Being in the Spamzone would end up putting it under a bad representation, since not everyone that might frequent the Spamzone is an RPer. it just seems like the only reason it's been considered 'spam' is because the Arena lacks the Sub-scetion to accommodate it. An out of character discussion/collaboration thread still falls under 'roleplaying'.
    9. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium

      Not sure who moved the above thread. But I meant for it to be in the RP Arena, as it pertains to an RP I am attempting to create, and therefore, being related to the section in which it was made, by definition, isn't spam
    10. Korra
      Are you up to something, sir? You seem rather...fishy.
    11. Korra
      *hits with a fish*
    12. Korra
      *hugs you*
    13. Korra
      I pick E. O:
    14. Korra
      And what do you think happens next, Mr. Harkwind?
    15. Korra
      So we meet again, Mr. Harkwind.
    16. Tikem
      Well it does.
    17. Tikem
      Did you know that 'kivat' is Finnish for 'nices'?

      Which isn't a word in English.
    18. Korra
      That is true. ;_;

      I have to go now though, I'll be back later than expected, since I'm gonna pick up some stuff for my armor too.
      Love you <3
    19. Korra

      ...I don't want to go to the dentist. ;____;
    20. Korra
      But if I'm right next to you you'd be able to tell that I was there. >:
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Games Design student, part-time lazy bum.
    I hail from the land of crumpets and rugby

    Gaming, games design, animation, comedy, fantasy/sci-fi stuffs, swords, dragons, etc


    Wolfie <3