Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Misty
      xDD No no, I meant Kimya Dawson and me.

      Unless your birthday is November 17th. That would just be uncanny.
    2. Misty
      xD I'll admit, I got her off the Juno soundtrack, but she has so much more stuff that's also amazing.

      Fun fact: We share the same birthday. :3
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yay cookie!!!
      I"m so happy right now, it's 13 chapters and an eplilouge, but it still works. I know how i'm going to end it all together (hopefully it's a trilogy) but I don't care! This is probably one of the greatest days of my life.
    4. Misty
      I noticed you had So Nice So Smart on the iTunes Shuffle and I just thought I'd say that I love that song. :>
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Holy ****, Holy ****!!!!
      I finished writing it, 130 ****ing pages later; I finished it!!!
    6. FinalF7
      Hi... i know what your thinking, " leave me alone!" But this is just a genuine apology. I'm not saying you have to talk to me, just accept my apology. :]
    7. The Superior
      The Superior
      just was wondering
    8. The Superior
      The Superior
      hmm do u like kairi???? just wondering
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, but this is MY version of a werewolf. I know people will find a connection between the books, and I want them too. I don't want to be compared to the Twilight saga but I somehow want to be connected to it.
    10. Ol'Sephy
      I can barely talk now. I just can't keep my voice from cracking every time I talk. It's like every other word, I have to clear my throat. It's really getting on my nerves. I've been drinking a crap load of water and gargling with warm salt water, (yuck). I'm trying everything I can to make it go away and nothing is working. But, if you have a suggestion, please tell me! I want to get these lines to Mike before he logs on tomorrow, but I can't talk! Any help would be appreciated!
    11. Ol'Sephy
      Screw it. I'll set an alarm for sometime around 3:00 am and record then. My throat hurts. It's probably from talking to that suicidal crazy woman all day. >.< Oh, well. I'm not actually all that tired, I just gotta get up early tomorrow. I might play KH2 for a bit, then go to bed. I have this sudden urge to play through the last bosses right now... I have no clue why. :P
    12. Ol'Sephy
      Yeah, I kinda realized that I could do that, so I did. :P Well, I'm done with everything, so I'm going to record now! =D Then... To sleep! Perchance to dream! >.<
    13. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, that sucks for you. The true inspiration of this story was really from Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I saw how little we truly know about Jacob and I began thinking there is a hidden story here that needed to be said. I did not follow her example of myth and followed ones that I saw fit. Somehow I knew this was a story i've wanted to write for awhile now (thanks to all the music), I just never got a good premise.
    14. Ol'Sephy
      I had a long, trying day in which I had to try and prevent a suicide. I know someone who is very emo, apparently, because she texted me at around noon saying that she was going to kill herself. So, I went over to her house to talk her down. SHE WOULDN'T LET ME LEAVE. I stayed there ALL DAY trying to talk her out of slitting her wrists. I'm pretty convinced that she was doing it for attention. I would ask her if she was okay. She'd say "yeah." I'd get up to leave, but she'd say, "Please stay here for a little bit... I don't like being alone." "Yeah, sure..."

      So, that's how I spent my day, instead of DOING MY LINES FOR THE DUB. I feel really bad about it and was wondering if you could tell Mike when he gets on tomorrow morning, (or afternoon), that I have the lines ready, (I don't now, but I will by tomorrow), and will send them, ASAP?

      I'd appreciate it. In fact, here's a cookie. ( : : ) =D
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I started writing this in a composition book. The computer is just for the final draft and editing but I can carry my book where ever I go so when inspiration hits, i'll have it with me. Another big inspiration in this was music, mostly Rascal Flatts.
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, hopefully everything turns out good. Writing page 117. Yeah, I felt that she needed to be strong considering what kind of character she is.

      Yeah, its a little hard to get back into that mood when you stop even for a few minutes. Not to mention when you're typing it up and you're wondering what you were feeling.
    17. Ol'Sephy
      Omg! Fady!!! I need your help!!!!!!
    18. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, beleive me it's not that graphic. It's kinda funny because it seems to me that Lime wears the pants in their relationship while Mike just stands by her and watches her wierdness unfold. >< I wish I could tell you more but it's spoilers!!!

      Yeah, it's good because it's his point of view. At some moments it feels so real that i'm actually in the scene while writing. The scene I wrote about today really made me want to cry but I couldn't because I was in the middle of class.
    19. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I am, just ignore those people and embrace the fans. I got one of my school's librarians (she's our club sponsor and a really good friend I made) to start reading my edited version and she loves it so far. I did finally decide to put the "scene" in there but well towards the end.

      The main character Mike Warro is a little based of me. He is an out cast character whe gets sucked into a club (how i got sucked into the anime club at my old school). One thing i'm glad I did was not give him my heart problem. I don't think he'd be a good werewolf if he was handicapped.
    20. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Well Meyer got published and people think she stinks (even though I love her books (except the ending to breaking dawn (whoa parenthesis in parenthesis)))

      Yeah, she is just a complex character all together. Even I as the author, her creator, don't excactly have her all figured out. That's what I love about her though. She's kinda my dream girl in a way, and hopefully she can be seen by others the same way I see her. Her complexity makes her cute and sometimes annoying, but loveable in everyway.
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting