Last Activity:
Feb 6, 2012
Dec 7, 2008
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Local Time:
7:52 AM
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Dec 9, 1991 (Age: 33)
castle oblivion forgetting everything
none but hopefully a chef when i get older


Twilight Town Denizen, 33, from castle oblivion forgetting everything

Dexnail was last seen:
Feb 6, 2012
    1. Legion

    2. Nuff' Said
      Nuff' Said
      Woulod it be ok if I reserved my character and post it here? I thought up of an element that I don't think is used.
    3. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      if you want idk how id work that, but if you can make it work go for it
    4. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      if i knew what wolf pack was i might say yes lol
    5. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      nothing just RPing, i got A Knight's Tale back, fayt told me i could restart it
    6. Nuff' Said
      Nuff' Said
      I'm doing good. Do you need a site for the cards for the deck recipe Aqua gave you? Anyway I'm doing good. do you know when the nerxt underdrome will be coming?
    7. Nuff' Said
      Nuff' Said
      Hey Dexnail how you doin man
    8. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      it's in the creativity corner, called "The Elements of Vacation" :3
      Hope you like it.
    9. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      same here, been writing a fanfic too, other than that, nothing much.
      Today was alright, nothing amazing.
    10. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      Hey there,
      not much really, you?
    11. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      i can tell they are all hand drawn, i like the murder one "you didnt see anything" ha ha
    12. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      o_o thats good man, that one of XeolxAmber is my fav :P
    13. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      been good, busy, but good how have you been?
    14. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      hey man im back from the death *brushes off spiderwebs* sorry i sorta lost my judge spot in the RP.... but i made a new RP its called The Rose, want to join?
    15. cstar
      I know.. but nothing interesting had happened ever since half the sites I've gone on in the past week pissed me off..

      heres a poem me and my Ex. wrote..

      There is always a way
      to find it again,
      it may be far, but it's not gone.
      It's hides and comes back every now and then,
      but sometimes it slowly fades away.
      the people who follow it perish,
      the people who avoid it fall apart.
      but the other half of it is the part that kills the person.
      they can not be without the other,
      you can't be with the light,
      your heart cannot be fully clean
      you can't be with the dark,
      cause your heart is always there to bring the light back.

      Ying and Yang they call it.
      one half to another half.
      love and hate
      right and left
      wrong and right
      light and dark..

      everything needs it's other half,
      if the other half is gone
      the half you are with dies,

      so no matter what
      if you think you have lost you light you haven't!

      there is always light at the end of the tunnel
      find it
      let the darkness follow you
      unless you choose your fate to be ugly

      ~Colleen & Ethan.
    16. cstar
      *jaw drops open* NICE!

      sorry but I'm just obsessed over gothic, sorrow, pain, and fate poetry..

      and I'm still bored.. -_-
    17. cstar
      because everyone is online when I'm offline.. -_-
    18. cstar
      basically he freaks out every 3 seconds over nothing.. it's quiet entertaining.

      and I am typing the words I am about to send you since there are no active RPs at this hour..
    19. cstar
      just.. typing..
      watching my dad's friend have mental attacks every now and then.
    20. cstar
      ello govna :D
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  • About

    Dec 9, 1991 (Age: 33)
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    none but hopefully a chef when i get older
    im a great guy. im funny,im nice,and can be smart(when i want to :) ),and i can b a goof ball

    hanging out with friends,walking outside,and relaxing

