Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. HellKitten
      I gotcha, but in that case-I'll be placed with my mom, and I don't want that because schools in California are just terrible.
    2. HellKitten
      My dad will just make an excuse about how out-of-shape I am and won't take me.
      I mean,
      Shane has needed surgery on his ear since 6th grade(my dad has known all these years) and Shane wouldn't of found out if he hadn't gone into the Marines.
    3. HellKitten
      *cough* Guess.
    4. HellKitten
      Gum infections and
      1.Knee(I can still feel the cartilage moving around in it-growing pains apparently-but then again, it was growing pains for my oldest brother that turned out the be a bone spur)
      2.Physical all together-like two years overdue.
      3.Heart spasms, its becoming more and more frequent that I get a shortness of breath and I can really feel my heart pounding like-too fast. I haven't mentioned that one to anyone yet though.
    5. HellKitten
      Yeah, you're right.I could be in a hospital getting the care I need.
    6. HellKitten
      Nope. Awesome ain't it?
    7. HellKitten
      She's in California because she seems to have forgotten that she has a ****ing 13 year old in New Jersey.
    8. Bareri-San
      i think i might ignore what you just said XD

      epic death is about to happen in my rp >:]
    9. HellKitten
      I know.
      I got pictures(for school) and it turns out I took the wrong effin' camera back with me to NJ so tomorrow I have detention, but whatever, maybe I don't want any pictures of my family in the photo album, especially after what my dad did, I was looking through the pictures and most of them are just black(****** camera) anyways, my dad suddenly screams like its a bad picture and ****ing scares me and I bit my gum and now my ears are ****ing ringing and my gum is bleeding because it's HIS responsibility to take ME to the ****ing dentist which I haven't been too for I don't know FIVE YEARS-EVER SINCE I MOVED HERE!
      He's pissed me off for the last godamned time. I need something to freaking attack, now I know what Axel and Larxene are feeling in the role-play.
    10. Bareri-San
      its a blacky-brown with a purple tinge to it in some places and there are bits of golden brown on the sides.
    11. Bareri-San
      well i am not a red head because my mother does not want me having hair that colour. i have a wierd hair colour though
    12. Bareri-San
      oh you are going to die for that. *gets out a weapon of mass-destruction*
      i am not gay thank you very much >__>
    13. Bareri-San
      she is not a lesbian >__>
      watch Code Geass.
    14. Bareri-San
      i dont know... was the Bleach anime made by CLAMP as well?
    15. HellKitten
      Oh my GAWD!
    16. Bareri-San
      she's not from bleach you bumface, its Kallen from Code Geass
    17. Bareri-San
      i did not >__>
    18. Bareri-San
      Nova got to Premmy even faster than i did and he's been here 3 months less than I have.
    19. Bareri-San
      vampires have super speed do they not?
    20. Bareri-San
      it ish good to be a premmy lol XD
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

