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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Gennie quitted. Saw i wasn't going online, and she just... kapoot. Stopped going on this site. She said once I come on, a week later, she too comes back.
    2. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      3 day vacation?!?! w000T! =D
      Don't really know for sure if I'm really coming back... Maybe... Maybe not.
    3. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      =] hey! ^^ How r ya?
    4. *TwilightNight*
      Still, you set yourself up without being trusted when it comes to your RPing ways. And I can safely I cannot do so, and hence, cannot find the drive to let your character go. I doubt that as a roleplayer, I would keep them forever, because then that will make your character as good as dead in the end. However, for the moment, they are trapped. Until I feel like letting you guys out :P. It's that, and the fact that the RP will be more interesting if anything at the time when Toxyn is allowed to be free. For now, we're dealing with something else.

      And what does that fangirl thing suppose to mean? I'm a Toxyn fangirl? *_*

      And, really, you're going to keep me from switching up the colors because I'm holding your character? D: Fine then D<. I'm lucky it's not that important anyway =D.

      Lol xD, yes. A lot. Truthfully, I'm getting kind of tired of his over the top drama. It's like, "God, suck it up already". I'm all for characters having their emo moments, but, really, that's too much. Especially with the random Demyx injuring himself further as if we are to feel sorry for him or something. That only throws me off because of the lack of realism.
    5. Deathsight44
      why, jeanna my dear (sry, usen your name makes it sound more dramatic :3). besides twilight, my main goal is merely to destroy the leader of the nameless orginization. In order to do said action, I require the help of certain members of orginization XIII in order to do said action, due to his powers. Considering his powers, it won't be doable without them after all, and there for, at the moment, any attempt to backstab you would only lead to my impossible failure of plot. Besides, xemnas has one of the few abilities which may be able to help keep Dustix at bay (Ik it sounds weird for me to be saying this since its my own charecter, but still). Fact is, I would rather be allied with you then against u ;P

      true....but that does not mean that I should still be afraid. after all, a certain fangirl might attempt to get in, and I will have to protect him from that fangirl XD *glares at twilight*

      I am afraid that I cannot do that twilight. I WOULD, but my charecter which helps me to make smart decisions apepared to be trapped in a dimension of nothingness. So sorry >3 (wow, it's good to be evil XD)
    6. *TwilightNight*
      Still, you're not to be trusted, Mike, dear. This could all be a bigger build up to another plan for all we know, and honestly, it's not worth risking unless it is proven :P. You're sounding convincing now, and that it will work out for my benefit and all, yet, I need more of a liable reason that you won't turn it against me. And you will. We'll settle this more when Xemnas and Toxyn meet xD.

      And lol xDD. But, this is Xeltic were talking about now. I doubt even Toxyn's male charms could overcome that he likes women.

      And, and can we switch colors for Roxas and Dustix? I feel Dark Orange matches with Roxa's hair D':. Or his overall layout.
    7. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Aw but I's bored....Can I do something with my Nobodies? Like spy or something?
    8. *TwilightNight*
      As I said, Xemnas will come over and talk soon enough. And I don't see why Toxyn is not able to help inside the room he is in :P. If he offers a solution to things, then he can work from that imprisonment. Not need to get him out xP. Really. Trust of a enemy?

      But, Xeltic isn't a homo o.o. And there are no hot girls in that room, so....
    9. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Can I tell Xeltic and Xaries about "The plan". And if you say "yes", which Castle/Palace should I send them to?
    10. *TwilightNight*
      Hmm. Well, not sure. You're still prisoners, and why would Xemnas jeopardize letting them go? Maybe one of these days...he will visit you at some point.

      And, I still don't get it! Dx I mean, you said you rather feel bored and uninspired than fear and afraid, and I don't know why you put that there, so I questioned it. Who's in fear and afraid? Toxyn? *lost*
    11. scarred_heart634
      ok ok if you really feel the need to bite me i guess you can ^^
      i'm talking with you an thats about it what are you doing?
    12. scarred_heart634
      lol *backs away slowly* just don't bite me
    13. scarred_heart634
      yah!! :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: glomping is fun lol
    14. scarred_heart634
      awww don't be sad :glomp:
    15. scarred_heart634
      oh thats sweet your lucky ^^
    16. scarred_heart634
      pretty good i guess hows about you?
    17. scarred_heart634
      hey haven't talked to you in a while ^^
    18. Bareri-San
      nothing since i was last on xD we just started xDDD
    19. *TwilightNight*
      Well, there's got to be a good reason for Xemnas to let prisoners go, especially if he didn't blink a eye on killing Demyx.

      Maybe I'll get bored and present a weakness xP.

      Different spelling...? @.@ Don't you spell it "afraid" and "fear"...?
    20. *TwilightNight*
      Now, now, let's not go back to that again xP. Toxyn should be very cozy with his new BFF xD.

      And what's the difference? :P
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

