Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Feb 1, 2025
Dec 17, 2008
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Local Time:
7:06 PM
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Awarded Pins 6

Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Feb 1, 2025
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *bows and extends his left arm out* indeed m'lady
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *sits down on the bench and relaxs* hey dracon do you think you could bring all of us something to drink and snack on til im dont resting?
      Dracon: sure *snaps his fingers and a whole buffet table appear nexts to him* enjoy ^^
    3. nasirrich
      Ashley- You of all people should know this... Your not as strong as you think you are.
      Lyanne- Ashley!!!
      Paradox Aaliyah- C-CR WAIT DON'T.... AHHHH Why are you so hardheaded damn that is so annoying.*Charges up making a crater in the ground blasting off to you.*
    4. nasirrich
      Paradox Aaliyah- You caused this so no matter how much you regret this all of it falls onto you to not live on like...
      Ashley- Enough the both of you. I'm tried of feel sorry for me attitude. If you really want to do something then hurry up and make a plan. Such children I deal with honestly I can't believe this is happening. So much crying, moaning, and babying. I will kill Tiamat for this, and don't care what becomes of this world. You don't want to listen then I won't either just to show you why if you would stop being so hardheaded then maybe none of this would be happening.
      Lyanne- Ashley...
      Ashley- None of you speak to me unless I fell my information will be useful for me to help you clowns out.
      Paradox Aaliyah- W-well we have to try and find the source of Tiamat's troubles before we go forth unto him.
      Lyanne- Where would we start?
      Paradox Aaliyah- I have an idea, but not of the exact location.*Starts for the distance.*
      Lyanne-*Follows behind*
      Ashley-*Is behind Lyanne.* Tch...
    5. nasirrich
      Paradox Aaliyah- Huh what's wrong CR?
    6. nasirrich
      Paradox Aaliyah- Hey I'm here to help ok, but we have to get on the right track... Ashley please we need your help.
      Lyanne- Ashley please dear sister we need your help.
    7. nasirrich
      Paradox Aaliyah- I know all of it happened, but from that moment I first met you time was damaged beyond repair even for Lucy. So her quick patch on it hoping it would stay. But that last illusion you were in before you woke up caused it to rip. Knowing this she compensated with her life from that time.
    8. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: b-but.. *decides that i need to be more mature* okay i'll rest
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: so whats next guys?
    10. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *struggles to get up*
      Dracon: *helps me up*
      me: thanks dracon, and i'll be fine cr if you learn to work with little energy then you'll use less in battle ^^
    11. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *gets up and throws up my arms* woohoo i did it *falls down to the ground* guess i still havent gained all of my strength back ^^"
    12. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: really? ^,^
    13. nasirrich
      Paradox Aaliyah- The illusion she put you in was deeper than previously thought.
    14. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *sits up and shakes my head* w-what happened?
    15. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *starts comming to*
      Dracon: *sees me moving* he's waking up
    16. nasirrich
      Ashley- He's leaving like always so it doesn't even matter.

      Lyanne-*Stuck in the middle of it.* Ashley... C-CR WAIT!!!

      Paradox Aaliyah- Ashley can help find Lucy and when you kill her you still have got to do some other things too ok.
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: how much hidden power does he have? O.O
    18. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: how did he pull that off?
    19. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: h-he did what?! O.O
    20. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: alittle speed training that was some serious power i was picking up from in here
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Deep inside an active volcano
    A dragon god
    A fiery hot charizard with an Axel mentality.



    "I am the Charizard King, and I will also be Your ferryman to the Underworld"​
    Dark Side of the Moon 40th​
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